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Refresh fails to restart to WinPE

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Issue: System refresh to 8.1 from Win7 or Win8.1 fails to restart to WinPE with Error code 0x00000032.


Windows 2008 r2 server infrastructure

SCCM 2012 r2 with CU1

MDT2013 integration

MDT task sequence

Log file is attached.



Thanks for taking a look.





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It seems that you have an access denied error for your MDT Database. in the log files to start of with. It looks like there are no step that is executed in the TS that actually restarts the computer so the Apply image step is run in full is which is not supported = 0x00000032 Request is not supported


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Thank you for looking Jorgen,

Would you post the line indicating the access denied? I did a search of the log and I dont see it.

I agree the system is not restarting. I am trying to figure out what drives that decision in an out of the box task sequence. A better way to ask the question is which script sets the task sequence variable DeploymentType to REFRESH. If I have to set it in my CustomSettings.ini how would I accomplish that and use a single task sequence for NewComputer and Refresh?

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