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No advertisements found - SCCM 2012 R2 CU3

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Hi there,


I'm at a loss here and ran out of ideas : the following problem :


First the log :


Client lookup reply: <ClientIDReply><Identification Unknown="0" ItemKey="2097171509" ServerName=""><Machine><ClientID/><NetbiosName/></Machine></Identification></ClientIDReply>
SMSPXE 18/05/2015 13:52:16 20032 (0x4E40)
50:1A:C5:FE:C1:4E, : device is in the database. SMSPXE 18/05/2015 13:52:16 20032 (0x4E40)
Client boot action reply: <ClientIDReply><Identification Unknown="0" ItemKey="2097171509" ServerName=""><Machine><ClientID/><NetbiosName/></Machine></Identification><PXEBootAction LastPXEAdvertisementID="" LastPXEAdvertisementTime="" OfferID="" OfferIDTime="" PkgID="" PackageVersion="" PackagePath="" BootImageID="" Mandatory=""/></ClientIDReply>
SMSPXE 18/05/2015 13:52:16 20032 (0x4E40)
50:1A:C5:FE:C1:4E, : no advertisements found SMSPXE 18/05/2015 13:52:16 20032 (0x4E40)
50:1A:C5:FE:C1:4E, : No boot action. Aborted. SMSPXE 18/05/2015 13:52:16 20032 (0x4E40)
50:1A:C5:FE:C1:4E, : Not serviced. SMSPXE 18/05/2015 13:52:16 20032 (0x4E40)

So as you can see, I have the 'no advertisements found' problem, read up on many threads here and outside of windows-noob and tried the following :

1. deleted the device + verified there are no duplicates (MAC and GUID)

2. added the GUID of this system in the following location : HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\WDSServer\Providers\WDSPXE - BannedGuids (just to be sure that only the MAC of the device is verified)

3. verified the itemkey (2097171509) that it corresponds in the console

4. verified that the device has only 1 sequence targeted (with the RightMouse tools : client tools - show collections-advanced)

5. verified that the device is not in the Unknown Computers and that no OSD's are assigned to that collection (you never know)

6. a new collection was made with the sequence as the deployment, the PC was added to this new collection

7. a copy of the sequence was made, with just some basic 5 steps, along with a new collection that references this sequence

8. the server (hosting a secondary site) was rebooted


Any help is appreciated!


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