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Odd console behaviour and other strange things

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Hi all


I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. We're running CM12 R2 and in the last week or so i've seen some strange things happen in the console that i'm a little concerned about.


It started when i would select a Device Collection subfolder in my Assets and Compliance node. When i'd select a folder that would have, say, 2-3 collections contained within it, the console was instead showing me all Device Collections in this folder. Now, if i hit the F5 key to refresh the view, the folder would then show me the correct number of collections contained within that folder. I've restarted the server a couple of times but this issue is coming up from time to time, not always though.


The next thing i've noticed is in relation to my Task Sequences. My PXE booting was not using the correct boot image, okay, not a problem, i just went and edited the Task Sequence that referenced the correct boot image so that this Task Sequence would be the most recently edited TS, and therefore PXE would use whatever boot image was associated with this TS. This is how it has always worked for me in the past without fail.


Now though, it doesn't matter what is the most recently edited Task Sequence, PXE is using a boot image that i don't want it to use as the default.


Anyone seen strange behaviour like this before? Any ideas where i could look to find out what the problem is? I'm just concerned that there's some underlying problem that's going to blow up in my face at some point (whilst upgrading to vNext, for example).




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Have seen the collections issue and frankly a reboot has always sorted it for me. Ive since upgraded to sccm 1602 and issue doesnt occur.


Regarding PXE, the new boot image you have assigned, have you set the option of "enable this image to run from pxe dp" in the boot image properties? Also what happen if you remove the boot image from the DP. Does sccm try use a alternative or fail to load pxe completely.

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