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Query logins by computer or user.

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I've been tasked with creating a couple of queries and I'm not a SQL coder. If this can be done through the SCCM console, that would be great. I'm not sure how to build these.


Query 1: List all computers where a specific user id has been logged on .

Query 2: List all users who have logged in to a specific computer.


Thanks is advance for the assistance.

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You can build the query through the console:


For Query 1


Queries - New - Query

Provide a name for the query

Object Type - System Resource

Edit Query Statement...

Select Criteria tab

Select the New criteria button (golden sparkle)


Attribute class dropdown = System Resource

Attribute dropdown = Last Logon User Name

Value = username <enter>

Ok, Finish, Apply....


Alternatively you should be able to use the following WQL: select * from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName = "username" Replace username with the name of the specific userid (case sensitive).


I don't know if you can get Query 2, I'm unsure if SCCM inventories all logons. Might be easier to write a vbs script to capture that information.

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