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Deploy IE - computers saying "update is not required"


I want to deploy IE10 to the computers in my domain. I'm using SCCM/SUP to push out updates to my computers. I approved IE10 (both 32bit and 64bit) and 75% of the computers that need the update are showing up as not needing it. Why is this? When looking at a report (Software Updates - A Compliance > Compliance 6 - Specific software update states (secondary)) I get this:

State Count of Computers % of Total

Update is not required 1343 73.27%

Update is installed 293 15.98%

Update is required 125 6.82%

Detection state unknown 72 3.93%

Total 1833 100.00%


If I look in the Deployment status in the SCCM Console (Monitoring > Deployments) and look at a specific computer, it says the computer is compliant even though I know it still has IE9 on it. If I look at the computer that it says is compliant but still has IE9 in the SCCM Console (Assets and Compliances) it says Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems is deployed to it.


How do I get this working?

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I am having the same kind of issue but with IE 11. I've approved it, and downloaded it, and even deployed it.


I am also getting the false positives as well. I get my deployment telling me certain computers are "compliant" but when I log in I see they are still running IE 9

See attached screen shots.


Additionally when just looking at the software updates from the sccm console I'm also seeing the update not requred for over 1/3 of the computers in the organization but i KNOW they are only running ie 9.




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This false positive is also a issue for me. Read this https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/cf8fbe28-714d-49d3-b2ce-5cc5f6f79c63/some-clients-not-updating-reporting-compliant-hr8007000e-error-in-windowsupdatelog?forum=configmanagersecurity


If you scroll some there is a suggestion to do the following

Net stop wuauserv
Sc config wuauserv type= own
Net start wuauserv

I did it on my computer which was giving me a false positive to me for all the updates, and after a restart it started pulling down the updates.

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