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  1. You mean if I use the option "Enable unknown computer support" in the PXE-service? Or to the Collections "All unknown computers" The answers is no on both.
  2. Hi there! I'm stuck at a problem and need some tips from you guys When I deploy OS to a client Windows PE starts up but the installation never starts and the client reboots. Never having problem with this before and I dont remind that I have changed any settings, we didint have any problem with installations last month. the following error message shows in the smsts.log Trying to connect to boot image share Attempting to connect to "\\SERVERNAME-SCCM.DOMAIN.LOCAL\SMSPXEIMAGES$\SMSPKG\SA100001". TSPxe 2012-10-18 13:51:50 1340 (0x053C) Retrying download... And afer some retrys it says Failed to connect to \\SERVERNAME-SCCM.DOMAN.LOCAL\SMSPXEIMAGES$\SMSPKG\SA100001 Looks like something is wrong with the bootimage? But what makes me really confused is that I did get a client to work erday I tried to create a new boot image but didnt get it workin, when I switched back to my old one. One client completes a full installation with my OS and I hope that the problem is gone. When I clear the last PXE-advertisment och restart the client the same error is back. What I've have tried Reinstall the PXE service point re-entered the nretwork access acount Tried differents PC's Can access the share "SMSPXEIMAGE$" manually with the NAA-account Do anyone have an idea of what this can be or what to do? Attacthing the smstslog, I have replaced our domain namne with "xx" if you wonder. Thanks smsts.log
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