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Everything posted by Toko

  1. Managed to get this issue resolved. I used a different copy of Win7, also Enterprise,Volume License,x64,SP1. Not sure what the difference is, one works and the other doesn't.
  2. Managed to get this issue resolved. I used a different copy of Win7, also Enterprise,Volume License,x64,SP1. Not sure what the difference is, one works and the other doesn't.
  3. I have the same issue Hope someone's been able to find a fix for it.
  4. Hi I’ve installed SCCM 2007 R3, SP2 on a lab environment. I’ve set it up on a server 2008,R2,SP1 and I used Hyper-V.I have my SCCM on 1 VM and AD,DHCP on another. So far I’ve been able to do the following: Capture a Win7x64(SP1) image and deploy it using PXE boot and advertisement on the client machine. Software packages also deploy fine. I’ve been able to use usmt 4.0 to upgrade XP to the captured image using hardlink. When I try and use USMT over the network it copies the files to my SCCM point fine then continues to install Win7 and load it on the domain exactly as it should but it doesn't copy the files back. My task sequence fails on: Restore User Files and Settings I unfortunately reverted my image back to XP while hitting my head against my keyboard after yet another failed attempt. So alas I don’t have the smsts log. I can however repeat the process and try and get it then. I have checked file permissions on the backup directory and all seems fine there. If anyone has any ideas I’d really appreciate them, if I can post any SCCM logs to help you identify the issue please let me know. Thanks in advance
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