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Everything posted by Evin_H

  1. What would be the benefit of using a local SQL server on the Primary server as opposed to a remote SQL server that hosts both the CAS DB and the new Primary DB? in my lab I have a remote SQL server, I found once I figured out the issue of named instances, one, needing to have the SQL CUP patches themselves, two, to set a static port for the named instance and three changing the port number of the SSB (which probably should have been obvious), my Primary server installed with no problems and the link for DB replication came up active within an hour. Hopefully there will be a tutorial or side bar on setting up SCCM 2012 with a remote SQL server as I spent days knocking my head around trying to figure those three points out. On a side note, will there be an article/tutorial on adding a primary site in a child domain to a CAS? This is my latest headache. I keep getting the error on the step where you list the CAS server as "Setup could not get site code from specified central administration site." Once I click ok, the setup just statys there and the ConfigMgrSetupWizard log has a bunch of the below in it. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this error. 5/8/2012 1:07:50 PM: ConfigMgrSetupWizard Error: 1 : Exception message: [Requested registry access is not allowed.], Exception details: [system.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed. at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable) at Microsoft.SystemCenter.ConfigMgr.Setup.RegistryConfigBase.get_Key() The Zone of the assembly that failed was: MyComputer].
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