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  1. Apologize for asking again....has really nobody an answer or an idea on this or is there anything missing in my post? Hi, First of all thank you for all These "how to" which did help me a lot. PERFECT! I have Setup a small Network incl. Intune function with following Parameters: AD/DNS/DHCP/GPO/Dir Sync Tool Server 2012 R2 = DC1.xy.com ADFS Server 2012 R2 = AF1-xy-com WAP Server 2012 R2 = PX1.xy.com TMG Server 2008 R2 = FW1.xy.com All Servers are behind the TMG and configured with Auto Proxy via AD helper. Certificate has subject Name af1.xy.com plus DNS af1.xy.com and enterprise.xy.com https://af1.xy.com/...signon.aspx is working perfect. My DNS has a host entry where Enterprise points to af1 IP address. As well my DNS registrar has a host entry where enterprise points to my public IP. Intune sync was activated and I can see all my users etc. DNS entry on my registrar is set as CNAME enterpriseenrollment Points to enterpriseenrollment.manage.Microsoft.com. WAP Publishing web appplication external and back end with af1.xy.com. TMG has a HTTPS Server rule forwarding "public IP" (DNS registrar Points af1.xy.com to public IP) to af1.xy.com. Access from Internet to htttps://af1.xy.com...signon.aspx working well. MY PROBLEM(s): internal Access to https://enterprise.xy.com/....signon.aspx is not working Access enterpriseenrollment.xy.com brings the Login page and I enter a user like test@xy.com where the Service is "forwarding" it to enterprise.xy.com/...signon.aspx and this does not work. If I Exchange enterprise with af1 in the link it is working perfect. Where to Change the "forwarding" address? Many thanks, Markus
  2. HI, I have "solved" this in the meantime with a local WSUS download. THX
  3. Hi, Newbie is following this step http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5683-using-system-center-2012-configuration-manager-part-5-adding-wsus-adding-the-sup-role-deploying-the-configuration-manager-client-agent/ and can't post success to reach point "1 important update is available. Leading to "wuahandler.log" by searching the web for solutions but I can't find this log on my Server. CAS=Windows Server 2012 with SCCMSP1 using remote SQL2012SP1 P01=Windows Server 2012 with SCCMSP1 using remote SQL2012SP1 All 4 Servers are on a Hyper-V Installation. WSUS download path is on local drive PLEASE HELP Thanks, Markus
  4. Hi, First of all great site where I followed your SCCM Installation guide. THANKS for this. I am sticking on part 5 with errors saying that I am not able to connect to the WSUS Directory. System.UnauthorizedAccessExeption to my \\path\WSUS I have found following link http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winserver8gen/thread/6ea1adb8-cccb-4c5e-9fb4-90ca09130f11/ where there is no solution. Is there really no solution for this so far? And if not, how should I proceed to Change the Directory to my local drive? CAS=Windows Server 2012 with SCCMSP1 using remote SQL2012SP1 P01=Windows Server 2012 with SCCMSP1 using remote SQL2012SP1 All 4 Servers are on a Hyper-V Installation. WSUS download path is on a Windows Server 2012. Access rights are given to the CAS and P01 Computer account as well to the SMS Admin. Many thanks, Markus
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