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Everything posted by Tman88

  1. Hi, thanks for the tutorial. i do have a few questions regarding scan cycle vs evaluation cycle vs re-evaluation cycle vs machine policy so ive read the definition of each but am still confused as to what does what exactly and how it relates to manual (actions tab) vs client settings so the software scan seems pretty straight forward, it seems to be only for inventory purposes and will not "install" anything. the software Updates Deployment evaluation Cycle installs ALL updates (new or uninstalled) what does the machine policy retrieval do in regards to software updates? i read it updates the policy but does that actually do anything for software updates? will it actually push a patch out? in client settings is there a direct relation from Schedule Deployment Re-evaluation and software Updates Deployment evaluation Cycle (in Actions), if there is and this is set to every 7 days does it mean patches ONLY install every 7 days? or is patch "connects" occurring every 60 mins (default of client policy polling interval) i really appreciate any help.. wrapping my head around when patches will be deployed and how often is driving me crazy! THANKS!
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