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  1. Hi Everyone, sorry in advance for been a bit long winded. I am having an issue with MDT 2013, ADK for 8.1 working WDS. To start deploying server 2012, 8.1 and eventually Windows 10 (I know I will have to update MDT and ADK), a new server with 2012 R2 was built. MDT 2013 and ADK for Windows 8.1 was installed. I added the nic drivers to MDT out of box drivers. I then created the boot wims through MDT Update Deployment Share and installed WDS, I added the boot wim to WDS. However when I pxe boot I get the following error message after hitting F12 for network service boot. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://neosmart.net/wiki/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2015/01/your-pc-needs-to-be-repaired-1.jpg&imgrefurl=https://neosmart.net/wiki/your-pc-needs-to-be-repaired/&h=600&w=980&tbnid=lgk55v24IoFx1M:&docid=raSohln5yHyVpM&ei=-eSwVbqNOMGX7Qa8vaiQAw&tbm=isch&ved=0CB0QMygAMABqFQoTCPrtmY-n8cYCFcFL2wodvB4KMg However if I create a bootable cd from the iso that was created through Update Deployment Share, it works correctly. I had a look through the following thread https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/a164b948-1778-42bd-8d77-9cef1ca70866/image-capture-boot-image-fails-with-0xc000000f?forum=winserversetup and mounted and unmounted the wim using DISM, still got the same error. Next I restored the machine to an earlier snapshot (Aren’t they Great saved me many a time), and installed MDT 2012 and ADK for Windows 8, same error. Final test to make sure that it wasn’t the server. I updated the old server which has server 2008 R2 on it with MDT 2010 and ADK 2.0 (which does work honest ) to MDT 2012 and ADK for Windows 8, regenerated the boot image added to WDS and get the same boot BCD error. At this point I am stuck, has anyone come across this before or have any ideas? Any Help appreciated Kola
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