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Posts posted by kesh

  1. I use this Windows 10 remove builtin apps script with multiple version support - CCMEXEC.COM - Enterprise Mobility

    I created the 20H2 files and named them 19042 as well. Then created the package. None of these applications get removed though:


    Task Sequence



    Package location


  2. So basically, this is what I did:

    1. Added a Domain security group to the Remote Tools Operator Group.
    2. Went to Only the instances of objects that are assigned to the specified security scopes and collections. Removed everything from there except Default Security Scope and Add added the collection I want the group to have access too.
    3. User then logs into the SCCM console, but can see everything on SCCM. He does not have access on the other collections, but can still see everything else. I want to only allow them t see the collections they have access too.
  3. I am busy with a project were I need to restructure my current AD and decommission 2 Domain Controllers. This involves creating new OUs and moving user accounts/service accounts and groups to different OUs as well.

    Is it possible to run a PS command, or any type of report to determine if any applications are using those particular DC's for LDAP queries, and also which accounts and groups are also being used? We have 100s of applications and no documentation for the setup on them. If I can get a report of which IP is talking to the DC for LDAP a query, I can use that to match my application so narrow down and get the application updated to use the new DC. I can also do the same for the accounts as well. 

  4. I am currently busy with a new AD structure. Basically moving accounts around, creating, re-naming, and deleting OUs, etc. There are tons of AD accounts that are being used for LDAP queries that have not been documented. Is there a way I can find out which AD accounts are linked or being used for queries by different applications? 

  5. My Auto Deployment Rule keeps failing with error code 0X87D20417.


    STATMSG: ID=8706 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_RULE_ENGINE" SYS=MDBXDXVMSC4PR.MDD.NET SITE=MDD PID=2260 TID=10292 GMTDATE=Wed Jan 01 22:22:35.253 2020 ISTR0="SMS Rule Engine" ISTR1="Failed to download one or more content files" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=0 SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    Creating Software Update Group for ADR SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
        Parsing Deployment Action XML... SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
        Parsing Rule XML... SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    Could not find element UpdateGroupName SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
        SQL is: select cis.CI_ID from vCI_ConfigurationItems cis join vProvisionedCIs pci on cis.CI_ID = pci.CI_ID where cis.CI_ID in (16786503, 16786587, 16791268, 16791274, 16791276, 16791278, 16791280, 16791282, 16791284, 16791288, 16791294, 16791296, 16791298, 16791300, 16791302, 16791304, 16791306, 16791308, 16791310, 16791312, 16791314, 16791316, 16791318, 16791320, 16791322, 16791324, 16791326, 16791328, 16791330) order by cis.CI_ID SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
          1 of 29 updates are downloaded and will be added to the Deployment. SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
        SQL is: select CI_UniqueID from vCI_ConfigurationItems where CI_ID in (16786587) order by CI_ID SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
        SQL is: select distinct cira.ReferencedCI_ID from v_CIRelation_All cira ~join v_AuthListInfo ugi on cira.CI_ID = ugi.CI_ID~where ugi.CI_UniqueID = 'ScopeId_B94EC0F7-2C2C-4E50-B68F-11FB622D6FB1/AuthList_dfdbf548-9942-4b92-8177-09b7c8ff5ecb'~and cira.RelationType = 1 and cira.Level = 1 order by cira.ReferencedCI_ID SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    The rule found no new updates. Skipping update group creation or update SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    Enforcing Create Deployment Action SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
      Create Deployment Rule Action XML is: <DeploymentCreationActionXML xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><DeploymentId>{2fd237bf-9eea-4245-b3c4-21fe97deef0f}</DeploymentId><DeploymentNumber>0</DeploymentNumber><CollectionId>MDD000B5</CollectionId><IncludeSub>true</IncludeSub><Utc>false</Utc><Duration>14</Duration><DurationUnits>Days</DurationUnits><AvailableDeltaDuration>0</AvailableDeltaDuration><AvailableDeltaDurationUnits>Hours</AvailableDeltaDurationUnits><SoftDeadlineEnabled>false</SoftDeadlineEnabled><SuppressServers>Checked</SuppressServers><SuppressWorkstations>Unchecked</SuppressWorkstations><PersistOnWriteFilterDevices>Unchecked</PersistOnWriteFilterDevices><RequirePostRebootFullScan>Unchecked</RequirePostRebootFullScan><AllowRestart>false</AllowRestart><DisableMomAlert>false</DisableMomAlert><GenerateMomAlert>false</GenerateMomAlert><UseRemoteDP>false</UseRemoteDP><UseUnprotectedDP>true</UseUnprotectedDP><UseBranchCache>true</UseBranchCache><EnableDeployment>true</EnableDeployment><EnableWakeOnLan>false</EnableWakeOnLan><AllowDownloadOutSW>false</AllowDownloadOutSW><AllowInstallOutSW>true</AllowInstallOutSW><EnableAlert>false</EnableAlert><AlertThresholdPercentage>0</AlertThresholdPercentage><AlertDuration>2</AlertDuration><AlertDurationUnits>Weeks</AlertDurationUnits><EnableNAPEnforcement>false</EnableNAPEnforcement><UserNotificationOption>DisplayAll</UserNotificationOption><LimitStateMessageVerbosity>true</LimitStateMessageVerbosity><StateMessageVerbosity>1</StateMessageVerbosity><AllowWUMU>false</AllowWUMU><AllowUseMeteredNetwork>false</AllowUseMeteredNetwork></DeploymentCreationActionXML> SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
      Rule XML is: <AutoDeploymentRule xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <DeploymentId></DeploymentId> <DeploymentName>Windows Updates | Servers</DeploymentName> <UpdateGroupId>ScopeId_B94EC0F7-2C2C-4E50-B68F-11FB622D6FB1/AuthList_dfdbf548-9942-4b92-8177-09b7c8ff5ecb</UpdateGroupId> <UpdateGroupName></UpdateGroupName> <LocaleId>1033</LocaleId> <UseSameDeployment>false</UseSameDeployment> <AlignWithSyncSchedule>false</AlignWithSyncSchedule> <NoEULAUpdates>false</NoEULAUpdates> <EnableAfterCreate>true</EnableAfterCreate> <ScopeIDs><ScopeID>SMS00UNA</ScopeID> </ScopeIDs> <EnableFailureAlert>true</EnableFailureAlert> <IsServicingPlan>false</IsServicingPlan> <IsOldUpdateGroupCurrent>true</IsOldUpdateGroupCurrent> </AutoDeploymentRule> SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
      Criteria Filter Result XML is: <AutoDeploymentRule xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <DeploymentId></DeploymentId> <DeploymentName>Windows Updates | Servers</DeploymentName> <UpdateGroupId>ScopeId_B94EC0F7-2C2C-4E50-B68F-11FB622D6FB1/AuthList_dfdbf548-9942-4b92-8177-09b7c8ff5ecb</UpdateGroupId> <UpdateGroupName></UpdateGroupName> <LocaleId>1033</LocaleId> <UseSameDeployment>false</UseSameDeployment> <AlignWithSyncSchedule>false</AlignWithSyncSchedule> <NoEULAUpdates>false</NoEULAUpdates> <EnableAfterCreate>true</EnableAfterCreate> <ScopeIDs><ScopeID>SMS00UNA</ScopeID> </ScopeIDs> <EnableFailureAlert>true</EnableFailureAlert> <IsServicingPlan>false</IsServicingPlan> <IsOldUpdateGroupCurrent>true</IsOldUpdateGroupCurrent> </AutoDeploymentRule> SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
        Parsing Deployment Action XML... SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
        Parsing Rule XML... SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
        SQL is: select cis.CI_ID from vCI_ConfigurationItems cis join vProvisionedCIs pci on cis.CI_ID = pci.CI_ID where cis.CI_ID in (16786503, 16786587, 16791268, 16791274, 16791276, 16791278, 16791280, 16791282, 16791284, 16791288, 16791294, 16791296, 16791298, 16791300, 16791302, 16791304, 16791306, 16791308, 16791310, 16791312, 16791314, 16791316, 16791318, 16791320, 16791322, 16791324, 16791326, 16791328, 16791330) order by cis.CI_ID SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
          1 of 29 updates are downloaded and will be added to the Deployment. SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
        SQL is: select CI_UniqueID from vCI_ConfigurationItems where CI_ID in (16786587) order by CI_ID SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    The rule found no new updates. Skipping deployment creation or update SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    CRuleHandler: Enforcing Actions for Rule 4 failed! SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    CRuleHandler: ResetRulesAndCleanUp() SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    Rule result is: 0 SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    CRuleHandler::CreateFailureAlert - Alert ID = 16777234 SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    Updated Failure Information for Rule: 4 SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    CRuleHandler: Deleting Rule 4 SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:35 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    Found notification file D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\RuleEngine.box\4.RUL SMS_RULE_ENGINE 2020/01/02 12:22:40 AM 10292 (0x2834)

    Contentsource = http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/secu/2019/12/windows6.0-kb4530719-x86_14639e5636336bd9a2d2c5053299e8079cbc8c31.cab . Software Updates Patch Downloader 2020/01/02 12:31:21 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    Query to run: select f.FileName, ct.ContentSource from SMS_CIToContent c join SMS_CIContentFiles f on c.ContentID = f.ContentID join SMS_Content ct on c.ContentID = ct.ContentID where c.ContentDownloaded = 1 and f.FileHash = 'SHA1:14639E5636336BD9A2D2C5053299E8079CBC8C31' Software Updates Patch Downloader 2020/01/02 12:31:22 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    Downloading content for ContentID = 16787234,  FileName = Windows6.0-KB4530719-x86.cab. Software Updates Patch Downloader 2020/01/02 12:31:22 AM 10292 (0x2834)
    Connecting - Adding file range by calling HttpAddRequestHeaders, range string = "Range: bytes=0-" Software Updates Patch Downloader 2020/01/02 12:31:22 AM 10376 (0x2888)
    HttpSendRequest failed HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ Software Updates Patch Downloader 2020/01/02 12:31:22 AM 10376 (0x2888)
    Download http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/secu/2019/12/windows6.0-kb4530719-x86_14639e5636336bd9a2d2c5053299e8079cbc8c31.cab to C:\Windows\TEMP\CAB5084.tmp returns 407 Software Updates Patch Downloader 2020/01/02 12:31:22 AM 10376 (0x2888)
    ERROR: DownloadContentFiles() failed with hr=0x80070197 Software Updates Patch Downloader 2020/01/02 12:31:22 AM 10292 (0x2834)


  6. I have a strange problem with reporting. I have created my upgrade TS to upgrade to from Windows 7 to Windows 10. The TS runs successfully and the machine does upgrade with no issues. My problem is that SCCM is stills reporting that the machines are still on Windows 7. Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue. I have even tried to create a new TS, but that made no difference.



  7. I have an issue with my CB setup. I have a single MP and 4 different sites. I have 4 boundary groups with a single DP in each group. MY MP also has the DP role as there are servers in the same site as my MP that require updates downloaded to them - those are working fine. The other servers only have the DP roles setup. 

    My issue is that updates are being deployed to my remote sites. They only download and install if I add my MP into my boundary group however that is defeating the purpose as clients then access updates over the WAN. Once I remove it, I dont get the deployments. Content has been deployed to all DP's

    Logs from one of clients at the remote site

    Data transfer Log:

    DTS job {D058F6ED-9563-4060-949A-8BBDB033B719} has completed:
        Status : SUCCESS,
        Start time : 08/22/2019 18:01:57,
        Completion time : 08/22/2019 18:02:24,
        Elapsed time : 27 seconds    DataTransferService    22 Aug 2019 18:02:24    4628 (0x1214)
    UpdateURLWithTransportSettings(): OLD URL - MP SERVER NAME/SMS_MP    DataTransferService    22 Aug 2019 21:28:56    2136 (0x0858)
    UpdateURLWithTransportSettings(): NEW URL - MP SERVER NAME:80/SMS_MP    DataTransferService    22 Aug 2019 21:28:56    2136 (0x0858)
    Added (source=.sms_pol?{fa212c1c-7a97-4736-a3be-1d1cdaed1c1c}.427_00,dest={9EF35546-5A6D-46FD-9BCF-8A0D4C9194D7}.tmp) pair from manifest.    DataTransferService    22 Aug 2019 21:28:56    2136 (0x0858)
    DTSJob {020B3E9F-D5B4-470C-94C6-F1909A3B2DF8} created to download from 'MP SERVER NAME:80/SMS_MP' to 'C:\Windows\CCM\Temp'.    DataTransferService    22 Aug 2019 21:28:56    2136 (0x0858)
    DTSJob {020B3E9F-D5B4-470C-94C6-F1909A3B2DF8} in state 'PendingDownload'.    DataTransferService    22 Aug 2019 21:28:56    4996 (0x1384)



    Its a WSUS Update Source type ({4AC8EAF8-6E98-44AE-A63D-934500C6A750}), adding it.    WUAHandler    23 Apr 2019 11:09:57    5956 (0x1744)
    Device is not MDM enrolled yet. All workloads are managed by SCCM.    WUAHandler    23 Apr 2019 11:09:57    3724 (0x0E8C)
    SourceManager::GetIsWUfBEnabled - There is no Windows Update for Business settings assignment. Windows Update for Business is not enabled through ConfigMgr    WUAHandler    23 Apr 2019 11:09:57    3724 (0x0E8C)
    Existing WUA Managed server was already set (MP SERVER NAME:8530), skipping Group Policy registration.    WUAHandler    23 Apr 2019 11:09:57    5956 (0x1744)
    Added Update Source ({4AC8EAF8-6E98-44AE-A63D-934500C6A750}) of content type: 2    WUAHandler    23 Apr 2019 11:09:57    5956 (0x1744)

    Location Services

    WSUS Path='MP SERVER NAME:8530', Server='MP SERVER NAME', Version='425', LocalityEx='SITE', SUPFallbackIn='360'    LocationServices    23 Aug 2019 08:14:12    3240 (0x0CA8)
    Calling back with locations for WSUS request {34920EF8-27DD-4D2B-8902-E83C0253F321}    LocationServices    23 Aug 2019 08:14:12    3240 (0x0CA8)
    Current AD site of machine is DBN    LocationServices    23 Aug 2019 08:18:20    2956 (0x0B8C)
    Created and Sent Location Request '{C63AD811-555D-456A-B590-F4FF5B56354C}' for package {4AC8EAF8-6E98-44AE-A63D-934500C6A750}    LocationServices    23 Aug 2019 08:18:21    2956 (0x0B8C)
    Calling back with the following WSUS locations    LocationServices    23 Aug 2019 08:18:21    2352 (0x0930)
    WSUS Path='MP SERVER NAME:8530', Server='MP SERVER NAME', Version='425', LocalityEx='SITE', SUPFallbackIn='360'    LocationServices    23 Aug 2019 08:18:21    2352 (0x0930)
    Calling back with locations for WSUS request {C63AD811-555D-456A-B590-F4FF5B56354C}    LocationServices    23 Aug 2019 08:18:22    2352 (0x0930)


  8. are you guys able to deploy Office 365 within your task sequence when deploying a new machine. My standard deployment to a machine works, however new deployments are not. TS keeps failing on the Office install part

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