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Everything posted by mmseng

  1. Good to know. And good point. The only change I made was the edit of the IPs to check, but I probably got a little ambitious by replacing the IPs with a DNS hostname. I'll try swapping it out with the IP. Thanks, == Matt Edit: Actually it looks like I messed up the wim injection. Disregard!
  2. Any comments as to SCCM CB compatibility? I've implemented this in SCCM CB 1702 using a copy of our standard Win10 1607 boot image. It looks like the script is running and immediately exiting, and WinPE then immediately reboots, presumably because that's how WinPE seems to behave when there is nothing left to run. Any ideas would be appreciated. Otherwise, I'll have to start a cycle of plopping pauses in the script and recompiling and redistributing the wim :/ Thanks, == Matt
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