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Everything posted by der_ente

  1. Can you re-upload the displaycustommessage.ps1 ? Its not available. I have another question i hope you will help me with. I created a messagebox with ok/cancel like this: $box = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::show("Strømforsyningen er ikke tilsluttet.`n `n1.Tilslut strømforsyningen og tryk på OK for at forsætte.`n2.Tryk på Cancel for at annullere installationen.`n `nMed venlig hilsen`nFMI KAKI","Advarsel",1,48) Switch ($box) { "OK" { Write-Host "Du trykkede OK" Exit 0 } "Cancel" { Write-Host "Du trykkede Cancel" Exit 99 } } When i run it in Windows it works perfectly, the same when i try in Winpe manually. But when i put it in Task Sequence, the messagebox never appear and exit with 0 every time in Winpe, where I need to use it.
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