Hi All,
We are currently using SCCM 2012 and are having problems getting the task sequence to create a local admin account.
we used the below as a run command which doesn't work
@echo off cls echo Creating Local Account: mccuser pushd %~dp0 echo. net user user PAssword /ADD /FULLNAME:"mccuser" /COMMENT:"Built in Local Admin Account" /ACTIVE:YES /PASSWORDCHG:NO /EXPIRES:NEVER net localgroup "Administrators" user /add wmic useraccount where "name='user'" set PasswordExpires=False popd
We also created the below as a batch file and tried that in the task sequence as a application, again this does not work.
cd\ mkdir .\User net user User Password /ADD net localgroup administrators %computername%\User /add rmdir .\User
Both of the above work when run but not when part of a task sequence.
Please can anybody tell us how you can get a command in the task sequence that will create a local admin account.