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Hi - I need some advice about where to search or what log to look at.... all of a sudden my Task Sequences for OSD are delayed in becoming available. For example: I deploy a TS to a collection but then when I boot, that TS isn't available for about a half hour and sometimes up to an hour. I have Googled Task Sequence logs, but I can't seem to find a log for just the process of deploying the TS to a collection, not the actual OSD itself. Any help would be appreciated.



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in your client settings, what do you have your client policy set to?


The polling of your client policy interval will determine when SCCM clients check in to the management point to receive new deployment instructions.


On that machine if you go into confiugration manager -> actions - you can run a machine policy retrieval & evaluation cycle, this will force it to run.


If you're seeing a delay even after doing that, do you have your client machine in a different time zone to your primary site server, and are you basing the deployment on local time or UTC?

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I've found that when deploying new sequences they can take a while to become available as even when selecting "As soon as possible" during the sequence deployment, it then defaults to at a specific time (which is usually the current time) and the "Soon as possible" option becomes greyed out. It seems that the boot image uses a different time zone that is sometime in the future to my SCCM server.

My general way around it is, after creating the task sequence and deploying it, go into the properties of the deployment and then the scheduling tab, then change the date to some time in the past. If you try to do this during the deployment it wont go more than 1 minute in the past, but in the deployment properties it can be any time.

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It's a know issue for Task sequences and regular package programs. After the creation of the deployment, reopen the deployment and date back the the schedule for ".. will become available ..." by 1 day. Problem solved.

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