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Discovery Question with a twist


I am working on getting all the kinks out of my task sequence. In my task sequence I am trying to reinstall any applications that were previously assigned to my computer that I am imaging. I am permorming an AD lookup to check for the instance of the computer to depermin if an application should be installed or not. That is working great.


My problem is when I check my collections after my nightly AD System Discovery poll I see to records for my rebuilt client. 1 was discovered using the install (Heartbeat and something else) and is time stamped with the time I did my discovery. This one shows that no client is installed. The second record shows it was disovered via the AD system discovery later that evening. I should mention that for this round of testing I am deleting the system out of the collections before running the task sequence.


Why do I get 2 records and how do I get them to only show the 1.

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