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Everything posted by Netmedic

  1. I am doing the app install via a script and variables. I pre-create the account before I run the TS but before the discovery runs.
  2. I have a Windows 7 Bare Metal TS that is running perfectly...well almost. I have taken bits and pieces from different ideas to get to a single task sequence for all my new (bare Metal)computers. I want to have all my applications that the computer is suppose to have installed during the TS. On this site I found an excellent idea to use a script to query AD for the groups the computer is in. Since I use AD groups as part of my normal Software deleivery I thought that this would be a great way to incorporate it into my TS. I know have a TS that installs the OS and installs only the applications that the computer/user needs. What I do to achive this is to Pre-create the Computer AD account in Active Directory. I then put that computer account into the proper software deleiver groups that I have allready created. In my TS i have a script that prompts for the computer name. I ensure that I type in the same name as the account I created before. When the application section startes the script goes out and looks up the AD group and if that computer account is found it will install the application. So far so good. The issue that I am having is when I go to the collections to view the new computer the client does not show installed. It appears that the discovery that is being used is the SMS_AD_SYSTEM_DISCOVERY rather than the heart beat discovery which is normaly used for a bare metal. I have waited days but the client will never register with SCCM. I have to force a install of the client from the console. I can only assume it's and issue with me pre-creating the account but SCCM should not even now about the account until my discovery process runs. My AD system discovery only runs 1 time and that is late at night. I do not have any delta discovery turned on or anything. Can anyone assist with this issue?
  3. I am working on getting all the kinks out of my task sequence. In my task sequence I am trying to reinstall any applications that were previously assigned to my computer that I am imaging. I am permorming an AD lookup to check for the instance of the computer to depermin if an application should be installed or not. That is working great. My problem is when I check my collections after my nightly AD System Discovery poll I see to records for my rebuilt client. 1 was discovered using the install (Heartbeat and something else) and is time stamped with the time I did my discovery. This one shows that no client is installed. The second record shows it was disovered via the AD system discovery later that evening. I should mention that for this round of testing I am deleting the system out of the collections before running the task sequence. Why do I get 2 records and how do I get them to only show the 1.
  4. Here is my XML file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <CopyProfile>true</CopyProfile> <TimeZone>Eastern Standard Time</TimeZone> <ShowWindowsLive>false</ShowWindowsLive> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Deployment" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <RunSynchronous> <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Description>Add Administrator</Description> <Order>1</Order> <Path>net user administrator /active:yes</Path> </RunSynchronousCommand> </RunSynchronous> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-UX" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SkipAutoActivation>true</SkipAutoActivation> </component> </settings> <settings pass="generalize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SkipRearm>0</SkipRearm> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices>true</DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices> <PersistAllDeviceInstalls>true</PersistAllDeviceInstalls> </component> </settings> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <InputLocale>en-us</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>en-us</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>en-us</UILanguage> <UILanguageFallback>en-us</UILanguageFallback> <UserLocale>en-us</UserLocale> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <HideWirelessSetupInOOBE>true</HideWirelessSetupInOOBE> <NetworkLocation>Work</NetworkLocation> <ProtectYourPC>3</ProtectYourPC> <SkipMachineOOBE>true</SkipMachineOOBE> <SkipUserOOBE>true</SkipUserOOBE> </OOBE> <UserAccounts> <AdministratorPassword> <Value>SQB0AGkAcwBnADAAMABkAEEAZABtAGkAbgBpAHMAdAByAGEAdABvAHIAUABhAHMAcwB3AG8AcgBkAA==</Value> <PlainText>false</PlainText> </AdministratorPassword> <LocalAccounts> <LocalAccount wcm:action="add"> <Description>Local Administrator</Description> <DisplayName>Administrator</DisplayName> <Group>Administrators</Group> <Name>Administrator</Name> </LocalAccount> </LocalAccounts> </UserAccounts> <RegisteredOrganization>Knape & Vogt</RegisteredOrganization> <RegisteredOwner>Infomation Tecnology</RegisteredOwner> <ShowWindowsLive>false</ShowWindowsLive> </component> </settings> <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="catalog:c:/win7/install_windows 7 enterprise.clg" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" /> </unattend>
  5. I will try to explain further. I do not have any unattend.xml file on my image that was captured. I place the unattend.xml file in the task sequence. When the task sequence runs it gets to the step where it installs the Configuration Manager Client. When finished it will reboot the client being imaged. When it finished the reboot it does not go back into the WinPE screen that I see when I first start our Task Sequence. The WinPE screens have our Corporate logon on them. What I get is a black screen with the words "checking video performance". That will stay there while the rest of the task sequence runs. The task sequence installs applies certain settings and applications. If I place a reboot in the Task Sequence after the Configuration Manager install then my WinPE "Corporate" page comes up but the task sequence does not run. It does goes through the rest of the programs realy fast. In other words I can see the group names and the names of the actions like "Install Access" but like I said there is no further progress bar it just burns through all my group names and such until it completes. Nothing gets processed. I tired putting a reboot in one of my applicatons programs which rebooted and the task sequence restarted but insted of seeing the "Checking Video Performance" I see something about peparing for fist logon which stays on the screen until the rest of the task sequence completes. If I perform an image with my unattend.xml file in the image then my WinPE (with corporate logo) is there in the beginning and after the client reboots it reboots back into WinPE to complete the rest of the Task Sequence. Not sure what I am doing wrong here. Its getting realy frustrating.
  6. Ok I tried you steps and put the unattend.xml file in my OSD TS and the copy profile seems to work now, but after the configuration manager client installs the rest of my task sequence does not seem to install the rest of my applications. If I take out the unattend file then the applications complete but my profile does not copy. If I have the unattend file in the TS then the system reboots after configuration manager install and I get the checking video performance where it seems the rest of my TS seems to want to run rather than in the WinPE. I tried putting a reboot in the TS but that fails as well.
  7. I am at the last point of getting my Windows 7 image ready for deployement. I have all my task sequences for Side-by-side migration and my bare metal sequences working great. I can get my image to load and install all my applications and even get my files from one computer to another. When I thought I was all done and new problem came up. I use the SCCM capture media to capture my image. Not sure why except its seems easier and i have been going it that way for 4 years. Anyway.. I have my unattend file in the syspre folder and have the copy profile parameters listed. I only have the administrator profile on the reference machine. I run the SCCM capture utility and my image is captured and I am able to deploy it. When I login to a new machine with this image for the first time with a new user I get the profile (look and feel) as I did when I was the administrator. Great! that is what I wanted. However if I login again with a another new person I do not get the desktop and such the same. It resorts the the basic Windows Aero interface. What am I doing wrong! I read something about having to place another unattend file into my Task sequence with a copy profile. Any time I have tried to put a unattent file in my task sequence I get some wierd "Checking Video" performance in the back ground while my applications install. Not the cleanest looking interfact. It's almost as if the task sequence is not wating for the sysprep and the windows to come back into PE before continuing with the task sequence. I also was confused on what sections of the unattend file I need to supply in the image file and the task sequence. I thought that SYSPEP would ingnore the sections depending on what phase its on. So in summary I am looking for someone to hold my hand a little and help me with this last piece of this puzzle.
  8. Unable to import the SMP XML file. It tells me it completed but the task sequence never shows up. I have tried it from my machine and the server.
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