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What is Asset Intelligence and how can I use it in SCCM


In part one we enabled Asset Intelligence. Now we will add the Asset Intelligence Role and enable the Online Connection Feature.


Please refer to Technet for best Practise advise.



This site role can be installed only on central sites that are running Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 or later, and all Asset Intelligence catalog customization must be configured using a Configuration Manager console connected to the central site. While all updates must be configured at the central site, Asset Intelligence catalog information is replicated to all child primary sites by using normal Configuration Manager 2007 site-to-site communication processes.



Using this site role, customers can request on-demand catalog synchronization with System Center Online or schedule automatic catalog synchronization. The Asset Intelligence synchronization point can also be used to upload uncategorized software titles to System Center Online for identification.


Before we start, we can see that the Online Connector is Not Found.


online connector not found.jpg


So let's fix that.


Adding the Asset Intelligence Role


In Configuration Manager, expand Site Systems, locate your site server, expand it right click and choose New Roles


new roles.jpg


When the New Site Role Wizard appears, click Next



new site role wizrd.jpg


Select the Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point role and click next


asset intelligence synchronization point.jpg


When the Asset Intelligence Synchronisation Point connection settings window appears, browse to the path of your Certificate if using SCCM 2007 Sp1.


Note: This step is not necessary for Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 sites because the connection certificate is automatically provisioned during site role installation.


Click Next to continue.


sync point settings.jpg


enter your proxy settings


proxy settings.jpg


set your Synchronization schedule settings


sync schedule.jpg


Review the summary


review the summary.jpg


and the confirmation...




Now that we are done, go back into the Asset Intelligence node and refresh (F5), you should see the Sync Point is Deployed.


sync point deployed.jpg



Starting a Manual Sync


To initiate a manual Syncrhonisation, right click on Asset Intelligence and select Synchronize Catalog


synchronise catalogue.jpg


review the Sync initiated message


sync initiated.jpg


Note: you can only do one sync in any 12 hour period, if you try again it will pop up a message telling you this.

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Connected to Online Service


Once the sync has taken place the Asset Intelligence Sync Status should be listed as Connected to Online Service


connected to online service.jpg


If it is not, for example if it states that the online service account is not provisioned [see below screenshot], you could try changing the sync schedule to every 1 days until the sync has taken place, then change it back to the default of every 7 days once it is listed as Connected to Online Service.


online service account is not provisioned.jpg


If it's still failing verify your connection settings (proxy) and review the AIupdatesvc logs and see if the following Hotfix is applicable to you.


Technet -Announcement: Update your System Center Online Authentication Certificate for Asset Intelligence

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Asset Intelligence logs


There are some Asset Intelligence logs on the SCCM server that you should be aware of. On computers that serve as management points, the client logs are located in the %ProgramFiles%\SMS_CCM\Logs folder.


Eg: on my server here they are found at D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs






Provides information about the Asset Intelligence catalog manager service.






Provides information about the Asset Intelligence catalog synchronization service and can be useful to determine the following:


* When the service starts.


* Where the Asset Intelligence synchronization point is located.


* The time of the next scheduled catalog synchronization.


For example, look for a section of the log that should correspond to this:-


Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 21:47:57 GMT:=====================Downloading catalog=====================

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 21:47:57 GMT:Service URL is http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=115019&clcid=0x409

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 21:47:57 GMT:Redirected to URL https://sc.microsoft.com/CatalogService/service.svc

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:10:54 GMT:Detected MPC download begin in file C:\Windows\TEMP\SMS_AIUS\43pbw3mk.juf.tmp, batch id e9dc651e-2faa-46c6-9851-e1ab1070b9fd

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:12:38 GMT:No more changes, catalog appears up to date.

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:12:38 GMT:Detected MPC download end

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:12:38 GMT:Processing 347 data/status files from download

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:12:53 GMT:=====================Data/Status copied to outbox=====================

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:12:54 GMT:=====================Catalog download done=====================

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:12:57 GMT:=====================Uploading catalog=====================

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:12:57 GMT:Service URL is http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=115019&clcid=0x409

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:12:58 GMT:No more items to upload

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Information: 0 : Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:12:58 GMT:=====================Catalog upload done=====================






Provides information about the installation of the Asset Intelligence catalog synchronization point site system role.


Eg: look for the following


<04-04-2010 21:25:18> Enabling MSI logging. AIUS.msi will log to D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\AIUSMSI.log

<04-04-2010 21:25:18> Installing D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\i386\AIUS.msi AIUSINSTALLDIR="D:\Program Files (x86)\AIUS"

<04-04-2010 21:25:33> AIUS.msi exited with return code: 0

<04-04-2010 21:25:33> Installation was successful.






Provides information about the installation of the Asset Intelligence catalog synchronization point site system role.


A successful install should be listed as such


MSI (s) (14:A8) [21:25:33:462]: Product: Asset Intelligence Update Service Point -- Installation operation completed successfully.


MSI (s) (14:A8) [21:25:33:668]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Asset Intelligence Update Service Point. Product Version: 4.00.6487.2000. Product Language: 1033. Installation success or error status: 0.





Where can I get More Info about Asset Intelligence ?



For more info about Asset Intelligence from Technet please see the following:


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb632714.aspx - Overview of Asset Intelligence


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc161825.aspx - Configuring Asset Intelligence


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc161947.aspx - Prerequisites for Asset Intelligence


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc431446.aspx - Asset Intelligence Security Best Practices and Privacy Information


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc161767.aspx - Troubleshooting Asset Intelligence

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Hello to all,


I have the following problem and hope to solve it.I'm preparing the "Software Inventory", with a server where I installed SCCM 2007 SP2 and the O / S 2008n windows server.

The configuration is successful, as the connector for connecting outside the network and for the recognition of various software on my network has taken place successfully. But now right at the end, I can not extrapolate any report.I'll explain: in the node "reporting" I have the catalog with all the various reports that can be generated, though I have the certainty of having chosen to categorize such "Software 02E - Installed software on a specific computer", if I follow what I read, I click the right mouse button on it and run "run" to generate it.But "run" there isn't.There is just" to import" or "create object to clone" ... this point or I did not understand what it can do, or SCCM is an underlying problem that caused the configuration.

The account that i created is a domains admin,and i just installed application server for web server services, but doesn't work the view of report, or better, doesn't appeare the Button "RUN"


Can you tell me the right way in order to have an inventory of all Microsoft licensing?


Thank you in advance for the help, Regards

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If anyone has this error after enabling Asset intelligence on SCCM 2007 S2: you would need to install the hotfix below


Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Warning: 0 : Thu, 21 Jun 2012 23:43:26 GMT:WebException trying to enroll: Status = ProtocolError

Asset Intelligence Catalog Sync Service Error: 0 : Thu, 21 Jun 2012 23:43:27 GMT:Exception attempting sync - The request failed with HTTP status 403: Forbidden



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