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Posts posted by GarthMJ

  1. How many primary sites will you have? Will you have a CAS?


    To quote the docs "When you use SQL Server Standard for the database at the central administration site, the hierarchy can only support up to 50,000 clients." And there is NO way to upgrade from standard database format to Enterprise database format.


    If you don’t' have a CAS then you don't need to worry about this until you hit 100k users.

  2. What you have there already list the last user logon as of the last heartbeat. The only way to add last time a user used the console is to add System Console User to the query. This complicates the query as the view needs to be enable first (AI class) and most PC will have more than 1 user listed. To get it to one line/pc is not a simple task.

    • Like 1
  3. 1) Yes it will work and IP Ranges is the preferred method for boundaries. If you where getting an erro is was most like because you had your boundaries setup incorrectly, generally this happen when AD or Subnet boundaries are used.


    2) Yes that is a good plan that was you can protect DPs, this allow you to have better control over, which client use which DP.

  4. We can’t definitively answer this question without your query. You need to post your query, before anyone can truly answer this.


    Based on the query and how it was written, you will need to check you ARP data too, to confirm that the arp data is unique from the older version.

  5. To inventory software you need to enable the asset intelligence synch point. The settings are desisgnated in client settings afterward. Here's some notes I have about that.

    • Software inventory
      - set types to designate *.exe or *.dll (examples)
      - be careful with collect files - this actually collects the files themselves
      - Set names - artifact from past - shouldn't need to use it.


    AI doesn't using Software Inventory at all. So there is no need to enabled it at all.

  6. No, there is no easy way to determine which package are not used and have an active advertisement.


    The easy ones are to determine which one are not deploy to DP and which packages don't have adverts. After that, you need to manually look at each package and determine if the package is used on not. IMO, it is an SCCM admins job to talk to their clients and ask the clients if a package is still being used. If not remove it. Yes, I know it take a while by if my management don't care how much disk space I use, then I don't care either. And this means that I will not chase clients until my management cares, which at that point means that they will support me if I need to remove a package when the client doesn't want me too.

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