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Everything posted by P3nnyw1se

  1. I'm starting to think the boot images are broken A guy had the exact same problem online, stopped at the same point, and he said he resolved it by recreating the boot images
  2. thx this is helpfull information.. a little weird though it works on other computers, but I guess maybe the drivers are both win 7 and win 8 compatible for those types. gonna test it out.. I can't seem to tell the Windows PE version though, in the boot image.. ?
  3. How can I tell my Windows PE versiON? I'm on SCCM 2012 SP1 cu3.. but maybe my Windows PE is of a version that requires different drivers tahn the one I got
  4. Kevlar01 Since I only deploy my OSD to 'uknown computers' as soon as a computer is recognized by the Domain or SCCM.. it won't load.. but.. this one loads, the Windows PE, the issue is that it fails. and its nowhere to be found in my devices.. I already searched on its Mac Addresse.. so its not in the system the computer is directly from the box
  5. I booted, using a boot windows XP.. and now that I get in there..I can't even access the harddrive, so I'm thinking now its a storage driver problem.. I will attempt to inject Storage drivers and reply later
  6. Hey guys so I've been very succesfully OSD'ing various computers the past half year. Lenovo T61, T500 T520, even X230.. today I got some a of Lenovo x240.. so I got the SCCM driver pack from their webiste.. I took the network drivers from the driverpack.. and injected into the boot image.. and then I started my PXE.. now something odd that caught my attention right away was the fact I didn't get to pick Windows PE.. it just started., which means I can't load with 'F8' Options. (Command Support is Enabled) It loads then correctly the boot image and enters Windows PE.. then it says 'Windows is Starting' ... and 'Preparing network' then it reboots... now So, logically to me that would mean.. network driver issue.. but I'm kinda lost cause I added the 3 drivers the official SCCM package had to the boot image: "Intel® 82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection" "Intel® 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection" "Intel® Ethernet Connection I217-LM" I quickly tested a Lenovo T520, which starts correctly.. so nothing is wrong on other devices now that since I can't seem to get to the 'F8' Option.. I have no idea how to trouble shoot this. can anyone help me!? maybe just help me understand why I'm not prompted to select windows PE.. that it just starts automatically?
  7. My OSD is atm. stopping when its time to put on the client. and as a result aborts and skips the entire Applications part. looking at the log I see several things I would think needs to be fixed, but I simply don't know enough about it. Could someone help me out decode stuff? I believe the problem comes here. Property(S): PrimaryVolumePath = C: MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Note: 1: 1729 MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Transforming table Error. MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Transforming table Error. MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Transforming table Error. MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Transforming table Error. MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Transforming table Error. MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Transforming table Error. MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Produkt: Configuration Manager Client -- Konfigurationen mislykkedes. = Product: Configuration Manager Client -- Configuration Failed MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Windows Installer har konfigureret produktet igen. Produktnavn: Configuration Manager Client. Produktversion: = Windows installer has configured the product again 5.00.7804.1000. Produktsprog: 1030. Producent: Microsoft Corporation. Produktet blev konfigureret igen eller fejlstatus: 1603. MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Attempting to delete file C:\WINDOWS\Installer\24f2f.mst MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Unable to delete the file. LastError = 32 MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Deferring clean up of packages/files, if any exist MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: Attempting to delete file C:\WINDOWS\Installer\24f2f.mst MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:978]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603 MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:993]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed. MSI (s) (C0:C8) [13:03:55:993]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation. === Logføring stoppet: 12-11-2013 13:03:55 === I suppose the issue is primary volume path then? to C:\ ? I use "OSDPreservedDisk = False" and set Logical Drive to c:\ .. I use this to install windows to c:\ Instead of the standard D:\ This used to work using the standard install.wim from the windows CD Now I captured my own image which was also installed to d:\ on a virtual machine. NOTE: If I set the OSDPreservedDisk = TRUE It doesn't error, and installs fully.. but to D:\
  8. Yes its as weird as it sounds. in Short I'm trying to OSD a windows 7 enterprise. If I put the osdpreservedriveletter to TRUE My Windows installs to D:\ , my wim image is applied, the drivers are installed. and the 5 apps I have added 'acrobat reader, java etc.' all get installed. now. osdpreservedriveletter to FALSE My Task Sequence installs to c:\ , my wim image is applied, the drivers are installed and then it completely skips the install apps section.. it just loads windows right after 'apply windows settings', Why!?!.. I don't understand why this happens and how I stop it.. As of right now I can pick between having C:\+no apps, or D:\+my apps HINT: today I changed the wim file.. it was before just a regular windows 7 wim. then I made and captured a windows 7 with full updates on it. Using the old wim file.. I was able to place the apps on the C:\ back when I used the old .wim So how does that all fit together,? if the new wim was just broken then fine But it works without flaws when I install it to d:\ .. how does that make sense.
  9. Well I'm just going by company politics, besides some programs become problematic if not added through a domain user.. This is a post I just did on StackExchange: during my Windows 7 OSD. Going by Company Politics I'm suppose to A: Disabled the standardlized Administrator (Done, can do that in task sequence) B: Create a new Administrator called 'ITadmin' and set a fixed password C: Join a Domain (Done that aswell in the Task Sequence) D: Use a Domain Admin to install programs that would otherwise give problems if attempted to install through Local Admin, like Dynamics AX As written I join the computer to the Domain During the OSD, and as Result have the correct Domain Admins added as Administrators through GPO, but I don't know how to use them. I'm looking at CustomSettings.ini in the MDT pack and thinking its gotta be possible to do it from here? or from the unattend.xml in pseudo here is what I wanna do: AddLocalAdmin: ITadmin Password: 1234 UseThisAccountToInstallOSD: Domain\Install_User Password : 1234 Any help appreciated, can't seem to google my way out of this one.
  10. Hi, In sccm2012, Win 7 Task Sequence. I'm interested in Disabling the standard 'Administrator' account during OSD It seems fairly easy as there are two possibilities presented to me 1: Enable Administrator 2: Randomly Generate a password and Disable account(recommended) I wanna take step 2 and then create a new Administrator 'ITadmin' and have the OSD install through that user. I'm new to Task Sequence and I'm unsure where to go from here to create that new Administrator I couldn't find anything about it on this forum or google. But I'm assuming I have to create a new Variable?
  11. Okay, I confused that with computer policy requests.. I see in client settings its set at every 7th day I changed it to everyday.. Is there a reason it happens so 'rarely' meaning, does it require a lot of bandwith or something`?
  12. Hi first let me explain the scenario Case: I wanted a small program gone from something like 150 computers. so from an MSI file I created an application and deployed it as an uninstallment. It automatically added something like this as uninstallment command msiexec /x program {111111111111111111111} /q It worked perfectly.. uninstalled from all turned on computers My Stupidity: an old GPO that I had forgotten about pushed the very same application back to 30-40 of the computers whenever they would reboot I disabled this GPO.. but at the time probably 30 computers had already booted and had the program re-installed again. Issue: Now monitoring keeps telling me these 30 computers who had the program re-installed. In fact are still 'Already Compliant', or as I understand it, the program is already uninstalled. But it isn't. My Client settings are set to update Computer Policies every 15th minute, but its been a few hours now. This is where I get lost, as long as the uninstallment deployment is active. It was my impression that SCCM2012 would take notice at some point that the program had been reinstalled and as result uninstall it. Did I misunderstand the functionality?. is it not an 'active' deployment? does it just push it once, like a package and then doesn't pay attention to what happens afterwards. If so, can I do it the way I want it? and how?
  13. well I figured out the first one, not the java one The first program that doesn't get installed and calls unsafe, requires framework 4.0 which isn't in the wim. but even after putting on 4.0 it gives the same error because windows installer keeps a reg key on the program. if I deleted that req key I got to install it
  14. Hey so.. I created 10 apps, java, acrobat etc. in sccm2012 When I deploy these to machines in my domain. they install right away, they work as expected. Silent install on all of them, some MSI, som exe files Now I want to distribute the same apps during a PXE -> OSD The computer will join the domain as part of the OSD. Problem 1 of 10 apps.. 9 are installed during the OSD, and several show warnings The one that osimply fails isan MSI file, small accounting tool, that use a server on the domain to share information between users. And as expected that means I can't even manually install it either. I'm thinking its a setting/rights issues in this newly deployed windows 7 enterprise This is the error code I get "This advertised application will not be installed because it might be unsafe. Contact your administrator to change the installation user interface option of the package to basic" Note: The very same application works when deployed to other computers on the domain I am using a domain administrator, trying to install the program, the domain administrator has full control and rights on the machine. and full rights on the file. Its the exact same domain administrator as I use to manually install it on other computers that are already on the domain. And I can't seem to tell the difference, why its allowed on one and not the other?.. what windows setting during an OSD needs to be put in order to change this. ------------------------------------ Problem 2: Som programs will install, but take 20-25minutes to do so. Like Java 7u40 Java takes almost half an hour to install during the OSD, and 40 seconds when I simply deploy it to a computer. So maybe its the same thing? maybe its a right thing? Anyways 3 java logs are created... this is what it gives me I have added 4 files regarding java, that is placed in my 'c:\windows\temp after installation.. hopefully one of you will read this and can tell me why it takes 30 minutes to install. if I had to guess from reading it.. its a rights issue just like problem 1. ------------------------ java_install.log JavaDeployReg.log java_install_reg.log jusched.log
  15. Thank you for the response I modified after reading a few guides, and it seems to work now
  16. Hey Guys I'm pretty new at SCCM2012, but I managed to make a task sequence.. I managed to add some drivers to the boot for a few machines and I installed, deployed and maintained 10-12 applications So far so good.. Now I have a weird issue. When I PXE -> OSD.. it wants me to install Win7 on the D:\ .. I get no say in this.. I guess its because it does something with the C:\? How can I swap this around? I entered the 6.1 settings in Task Sequence and it created like a 500mb big partition called BDEDisk I think I set that as 'Hidden' instead of primary.. didn't seem to do anything. So..the short version I just wanna install windows to c:\ not d:\... I looked through the task sequence again and again, but I can't seem to figure what buttons I'm suppose to click. can you help me? Regards Allan
  17. so is there no way to detect using packages? I'm asking cause I've build a lot of packaes, and I have all my experience with it. I had issues getting applications to work. I have another issued closely related. In this problem, I had java go out on 8 machines. I removed a computer from that collection to a 'uninstall collected' that had an 'uninstall java' deployment.. which then of course. uninstalled Then I readded the machine to the first collecting and instead of installing java again which I had hoped, it just remembered that the machine had 'originally' been succesfull in installing java so it never gets back on the machine How do I .. change my deployment so I can essentially put packages back on machines who had them removed.
  18. Just wondering, I'm attempting to create packages for all programs at my work, I have 70-80 computers working with it. If I want to remote uninstall, I read so far I have to create uninstall packages for each program.. Now lets assume I have deployed java update for 50 computers in collection 'A' And want to uninstall for 2 of those, do I really have to create a somewhat temporary collection and add those 2 computers then deploy the uninstall package? Also, Bonus question: I deployed a package for 8 computers as a test, and that worked well. But!. then a user went into control panel and uninstalled the program, Its been 25 minutes and a reboote now, and while I didn't expect it to just reinstall.. I at least expected SCCM 2012 to catch it, but it claims the program is still installed on the pc. What am I doing wrong? or is it not possible to track if users uninstall packages by themselves?
  19. So I deployed Adobe Acrobat Reader XI to 3 machines in a collection It turned up and I installed it. Then I uninstalled it on one of the computers, but the software center "after 20 minutes and a restart" still claims the program is installed. Are there like som reg files it the uninstall miss?
  20. Hey so I'm still new at SCCM 2012 I've made a windows 7 enterprise SP1 task. I use it for PXE boots, I have added a bunch of drivers and some packages including office and it seems to be working.. after about 1 hour of silently installing I get a fully working win 7 with office and acrobat etc. But I also get 130 windows updates to install each time. At this point I'm not worried about monthly deploying, or anything like that when I get this running on a domain eventually thats the way I wanna go But right now I just wanna add the already released 130 win 7 updates to my installation process. So that the user won't have to do this.. I can't seem to find any guides regarding this, I only found one for deploying with a direct link to windows updates.. thats not what I'm trying to do. Ask if I'm not making any sense /Allan
  21. Could someone then please just point me towards an application tutorial that works 100%. So if I follow that step by step it should work? Including both creating of application and deploying and distributing please. I want the application to be a part of my basic win 7 installation.
  22. I created the Task Sequence from a video online, I will post that tomorrow have the link at work. I don't think its the Task Sequence, cause I made that like a standard solution, and it works with everything but the applications. add to that I didn't manually alter in it. I created no requirements or dependencies in the app. The link I posted in my OP, I did exactly that(except the part where he creates a requirement for primary user to be logged on), If you just look that guide through image for image, thats what I did. And it completes with no errors, and gets distribtued and deployed aswell with no errors. Dont know if this is relevant but The OS is btw. installed on d:\.. I don't know why but for some reason it demands me to use d:\ as volume. but I don't think that should be a problem considering I'm adding it to '%ProgramFiles(86)%' and not a specific drive I tried searching through the plethora of lines in the logs, but I'm not sure where to look. I dont know if this was some of the information you wanted, feel free to ask me to post something specific.. As I don't know exactly where this is going wrong its hard for me to start somewhere.. The Windows installs fine and so does the drivers, when I logon I just get the empty download center, and of course 140 win 7 updates ready to download.
  23. Hi. First of all let me make clear that I'm in the learning process of SCCM 2012, I have never before used this, but as a part of some study work I was asked to aquire knowledge of this. Also English is a second language to me. I'm attemping to build a windows 7 installation, with a certain amount of pre added programs I have SCCM 2012, and I made a Windows 7 x64 Enterprise Task Sequence which installs ofc a win7.wim. My Distribution point is just 2 'uknown computers' I got as far as also adding 4 drivers for a HP Compaq 8200 Elite, which I'm testing on And they get installed aswell now when I PXE. So to sum up, I seem to have a working task sequence with settings editted in UDI Wizard that installs perfectly fine with 4 selected drivers(gfx, chipset, ethernet and soundcard) ---------------------------------------------------- So my next logical step was to try and add programs to this installation, as my goal is to have 15-20 programs come with this windows installation. Now in 4 different attempts following 4 different guides, (that were pretty much identical) e.g. this one: http://tjindarr.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/deploy-exe-files-as-a-msu-deployment-type/ I added Acrobat Reader 11 as an application, I Distributed it and deployed it. I even added it to the program list using the UDI Wizard Designer. And of course finally updated my distributions So I PXE it, and its there on the list as expected. but at the end its just not installed, the drivers are, but the application isn't I've tried searching the logs created on the machine but I simply can't find anything about the acrobat.exe file. I guess what I'm hoping you can help me with, is point me towards a place I can at least find out whats wrong, cause I can't seem to find a problem in SCCM 2012, its just not on the computer, and I've followed those guides very carefully. What Log am I look at it? what can I post in here that can help me? /Regards the noob
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