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    Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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    All things Windows, Configuration Manager, MDT and Operating Systems Deployment.

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  1. You say this occurred after you installed the Configuration Manager client? You should check your default client policy settings on your Configuration Manager 2012 R2 Primary regarding remote control and remote desktop as its probably disabling it. Ideally should be targeting your servers with a differently configured client policy i.e you should have a workstation client policy and a server client policy.
  2. Not sure if this will help or not but try adding a step in your MDT TS which sets the OSDPreserverDriveLetter to True and a step directly after this which sets the OSDisk variable to c: I have uploaded some screen shots of where I have these steps in my MDT TS. I am running this TS to refresh XP to Win 7 so I'm not sure if having these steps will resolve your problem.
  3. I just re-read your post and realize you said replace and not refresh . Apologies.
  4. Certainly can, just implement your MDT instance as you normally would (has to be MDT 2012 Update 1 or lower as MDT 2013 does not support Windows XP) with corporate wim, drivers, applications, packages etc then update your customsettings.ini to fully automate the answers that MDT requires. Note I just run litetouch.vbs from the deployment share to kick off the refresh however others have more elegant solutions. I also copy my custom usmt xml files into the control folder of the deployment share. I'm not sure if this is totally necessary however some have blogged that its required. Note the custom xml files are also in my USMT package. I have chosen USMT hardlinking but you could go down the path of storing a mig file on a network share and then loading it back. I have created linked deployment shares so I can upgrade computers that are located in different sites so I'm not pulling content across slow network links. Here is a copy of mine. You will have to modify it for your locale. If implemented correctly you will get no prompts and the upgrade process will be fully automated. The only issue I had was when MDT was unable to log automatically back onto the computer during the TS as I had a security message before login as part of my group policy. You probably wont have this so just removed the SavedJoinDomain from the customsettings.ini file. If you do Google SavedJoinDomain and MDT. The process I followed was to get my MDT Task Sequence working correctly re: drivers, apps, USMT data migration etc. Then I implemented the custom settings.ini file which automated all the answers. Cheers Damon [settings] Priority=Default Properties=MyCustomProperty, SavedJoinDomain [Default] OSInstall=Y _SMSTSOrgName=%yourorgname% DeployRoot=\\%yourmdtserver%\DeploymentShare$ DoCapture=No DisableTaskMgr=YES HideShell=YES SkipCapture=YES SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipProductKey=YES SkipBitLocker=YES SkipFinalSummary=YES SkipSummary=YES SkipBDDWelcome=YES SLShare=\\%yourmdtserver%\Logs$ SkipDeploymentType=YES DeploymentType=REFRESH SkipDomainMembership=YES JoinDomain=%yourFQDN% DomainAdmin=%youraccount% DomainAdminDomain=%yourdomain% DomainAdminPassword=%yourdomainadminpassword% SkipUserData=YES UserDataLocation=AUTO SkipComputerBackup=YES USMTMIGFILES001=MigUser.xml USMTMIGFILES002=MigApp.xml USMTMIGFILES003=%yourcustom%.xml USMTConfigFile=%yourconfig%.xml ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c /ue:administrator /ue:%yourdomain%\%youraccounttoexcludefromusmt% /uel:45 LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac SkipTaskSequence=YES TaskSequenceID=%yourtasksequenceid% SkipComputerName=YES OSDComputerName=%ComputerName% SkipLocaleSelection=YES UILanguage=en-AU UserLocale=en-AU KeyboardLocale=en-AU;0409:00000409 SkipTimeZone=YES TimeZone=265 TimeZoneName=Tasmania Standard Time SkipApplications=YES UserID=%youradminusername% UserPasswor=%yourpassword% UserDomain=%yourdomain% EventService=http://%servername%:9800
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