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Everything posted by ez_42

  1. Hi Niall, as always - great work there. Much appreciated. Just a little point where I'am struggling right know and maybe some other people will run into it as well. In some cases the run time of the deployment exceeds and I think this is the case when a user just wait more then 360 minutes before clicking on update now. What happens then is that the user hits the button and nothing happens, I guess changing the value to 0 could help but maybe I'am completely wrong. Do you have any thoughts on that behavior? Greetings Eric
  2. Thank you. I hoped that won't be a point. So I will switch to a tasksequence-based update process because the existing WSUS won't be replaced.
  3. First of all – thanks for the guide. I’m running into a strange behavior and I’m not sure what to do or where I could check for more information related to the following. I followed the guide until the point of deploying the update package. Now the problem, I have a couple of testclients in the targeted collection but all of them are just staying under “unknown” -> “Client check passed/active” I really don’t know where or what I could possibly check/test. Maybe I should mention that our Clients are receiving updates usually from a different WSUS which has nothing to do with the SCCM. Could this may cause the problem? Thanks for your attention and time.
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