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Everything posted by bevok

  1. OK I've been through a couple of iterations with this method. Aside from the odd user who shuts down their computer during the upgrade (argh!) the process has been relatively smooth once I sorted out creating logfiles for each user on multiuser machines. The two bits which I'm going to try adding based on my experience are: 1) A time limit whereby after lets say two weeks if no user has had their five deferrals the countdown timer will run anyway (finding on some multiuser machines they never get to five deferrals) 2) The ability for the scheduled deployment to work out when a machine is not logged in and run the task sequence anyway (finding that some PCs are rarely logged into so indefinitely sit there not upgrading because of the lack of an interactive session). Thanks for this invaluable extension.
  2. For the benefit of others, in the start-upgrade.ps1 I modified the logfile variable to: $Logfile = "C:\ProgramData\Windows10RequiredUpgradeStart-Upgrade-$env:USERNAME.log" In the wrapper.vbs I added strUserName to the first 'Dim', then Set oWsh = WScript.Createobject("WScript.Shell") strUserName = oWsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%username%") under strComputer And just a bit further down where the path for the logfile is declared: path="C:\ProgramData\Windows10RequiredUgradeWrapper" & strUserName & ".log" Putting the logfile in the user profile would be a good approach too but I like having one place to check. Thanks again for your great work.
  3. This is a fantastic tool and really adds to the capability of SCCM. One issue I have encountered is on shared computers. Once one user has had the hta run if another user is exposed to it the routine exits with error 99 because it cannot write to the logfiles. They are created with the original user as owner and other users only have read permission. What would be the best way around this? I realise that the number of deferrals will jump up with each user as this is stored in the CU registry area. Cheers Bevan
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