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Found 4 results

  1. Question for all the SCCM 2012 R2 Admins: Basic overview: In an attempt to get a customers patching working correctly, I recently remoted in to find critical warnings at every turn. I was able to resolve the storage issue by expanding the drive size. I was able to resolve the sccmadm access errors by having the customer reset the password for that account ( I do not have that ability as a contractor for them) I had to stop/delete/remove all applications/packages/and process that were "hung" due to the storage/access issues. Here's where things get a little odd: I went to remove the SUP role for reinstallation and within 6ms of doing so, the server started showing the below message in the Event Viewer along with nearly every CM log: Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\SCCM2012$' Reason:Could not find a login matching the name provided. [CLIENT:<local machine>]. After a thorough investigation, the problem was located and it appears as if the NT Authority\System account no longer had access to the CM Site DB. Upon adding the NT Authority\System account back in, the errors stopped and all service started back up. The problem here is now, that the customer is telling me this was caused by removing the SUP role and they are not willing to pay for the time to resolve that particular issue. I have never seen this issue before? Could this account have been removed some time ago and the call to remove the SUP role have initiated the NT Authority\System account for removal then noticed it was no longer there? If I understand correctly, the removal of a system account would need domain admin/DBA permissions which neither I, nor the local system account have. Any thoughts as the why this error presented itself during the uninstallation of the SUP role? This has turned into the customer pointing fingers at me, most likely, due to an issue they created for themselves at some point in time.... Thank you in advance for your time and the sharing of your knowlede.
  2. Hello, we recently sold a division of our company and i have about 100 or so devices that i need to remove from SCCM. Can i remove them by removing the boundary? Or is there a quick way to remove all the devices associated to that Boundary? The boundary is an AD Site. EDIT: I think i answered my own question, But can someone verify that this is a proper procedure? Im going to go into devices, align them by Active Directory Site, and delete any associated to that site, Then I will proceed to remove the boundary as well. Does that sound right? Thanks for any help!
  3. Does anybody know of a way I can remove all of the default apps that are preinstalled on the Win8.1 build via task sequence? The last thing i need before this load is production ready is to remove the default apps such as Food & Drink, Skyoe, etc... Thank you
  4. Hi, My SCOM 2012 SP1 server is running on Windows 2008 R2. The database is SQL Standard 2008. I was planning on rebuilding the server since I have more storage. However, when I rebuilt it before I ran into the issue of all clients still attempting to communicate with the previous MP. Which led me to having to go to each PC and Server and manually removing the old MP. What would be the best way to avoid this issue?
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