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Package Distribution to Secondary Server is Failing - Disk Full

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I am currently trying to distribute content to one of our secondary servers that acts as a DP. The distribution fails to the server stating lack of free disk space. I have review the destination server and it has ample space on all drives. I have attached a photo with the exact error message I am receiving.


Has anyone successfully resolved this issue or can someone guide me into the right path?




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Check distmgr.log and PkgXferMgr.log for that package ID and see what that says. Also have a look at despool.log to see where it's temporarily storing files.


The last time i seen a message like that i had mis-matched source id's in my database which involved direct editing of the DB. I had to phone Microsoft to get a fix.


Not confident in posting the SQL code i used due to the potential of how it could break things if it doesn't go right!

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Just happened to me this week while setting up a new secondary site. I updated two OS Image packages while the sync was not finished yet. The next day i seen a lot of error 13 messages in the despool.log.

When i checked the inboxes\despoolr.box\receive directory of the DP i found 2 outdated .TRY files with a definitely wrong size.

I just deleted these 2 files and redistributed the packages to this DP (content location tab in the properties of the package).

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