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Deploy XP in multiple domains


If I wanted a SCCM OSD task sequence to perform a particular task if a pc has a specific default gateway or an ip address within a specified range, how would I accomplish this? We have a handful of primary sites (each residing in a different domain) and one central site. We'd like to use a single (.wim) image and use the task sequence to do some lite customizations based on machine location - which would be identified using the machine's ip address or default gateway.


Any ideas?

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3 answers to this question

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well you could do this in a variety of ways but the first two that come to mind are using Collection variables and HTA (hyper text application)


i'd recommend the collection variables way because it is much easier to implement


now you are probably thinking how would this work, well you could have variable checking in the task sequence which checks what domain or site you are in and based on that does X actions




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