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deploy image

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Hi all ,

have a great day , i'm working ob new smart image with better options ,

I would like to ask you maybe do you you how can i preform new image that in deployment process the Help desk team will be able select which application install whether is office 2013 or 2010 , each new image diff recent application (the help desk person will choose and then the deployment continue


is there this option using MDT?

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Are you're using ConfigMgr with MDT integration, you could create a new Client UDI task sequence (User Driven Installation task sequence), where you have the option for the "Applications" screen to appear. That way your help desk team could select what applications they want to install. Here's an excellent guide for your scenario:



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yes it can be part of UDI but the 'approval' part would not be, applications used in UDI are not in general the same apps as you deploy via ConfigMgr, i.e. they are managed separately within MDT itself as separate applications, therefore the approval you get on some applications in ConfigMgr, won't be visible here without creating some custom coding.

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I’d just like to point out that there is no need to integrate with ConfigMgr (although it certainly doesn’t hurt anything), a standard client deploy task sequence in MDT alone will prompt the technician with a list of applications available for installation.


You should also note that you can use customsettings.ini with some logic to automate selection of apps. For example if you know your accounting department is running all Model XYZ systems, you can have MDT detect Model XYZ and automatically select the appropriate selection profile and task sequences for deployment. You can also use IP addresses, MAC addresses, etc. See How to manage Out-of-Box Drivers with the use of Model Specific Driver Groups in Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2012 Update 1 from the Ask the Core Team Blog.


Windows Outreach Team- IT Pro
Windows for IT Pros at TechNet

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