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Can't PXE Boot Dell XPS13 9350

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We got a couple XPS13's in and we love them, but of course they don't have a network port on them to image through SCCM. I did a lot of research and found that the StarTech USB 2.0 to Ethernet adapter (USB21000S2) was verified to work with these. However, I do not see this device in the Bios and it does not PXE boot. Any suggestions on how to get this to be seen in the bios? It's plugged in at the time the device is turned on.

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I have been talking to sell and the tech has been nice. He told me to use the dell sub nic it will work. I kept telling him the startech used to work. He called startech and came back with in order for their nic to work the drivers have to be available in the bios. I asked him is he can confirm if dell made changes to the bios since it no longer works. I doubt I will get an confirmation on that one.

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I was able to PXE boot an XPS 13 9350, to reimage it. I had to use a usb-c to network adapter (from Dell), but I read in another forum that a generic usb-c to network adapter should work. Also, I had to enable boot from Thunderbolt in the bios, hidden in the bios menu somewhere, so make sure you dig through through the bios looking for anything related to Thunderbolt.

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