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Kamran Ali

why are my clients showing as unknown clients ?

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I just want to know, in my SCCM console, all the DP clients exist in the Unknown category, but the client system has been updated with the patches, I accessed the DP client and verified.
Does anyone tell me what happened, is it normal, or does it need some work to resolve?
Thanking you!
WSUSLocationRequest : <WSUSLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00" BGRVersion="1"><Content ID="{26F729F4-F1C6-4E3D-A06A-6BB96A7C6466}" Version="366"/><AssignedSite SiteCode="test"/><ClientLocationInfo OnInternet="0"><ADSite Name="Default-First-Site-Name"/><Forest Name=" sccmlab.com "/><Domain Name="sccmlab.com"/><IPAddresses><IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/><IPAddress SubnetAddress="2001:0000:1428:8F18" Address="2001:0000:1428:8F18:0C83:2086:5353:13E3"/></IPAddresses><Adapters><Adapter Name="Wi-Fi" IfType="71" PhysicalAddressExists="1" DnsSuffix="" Description="Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165"/><Adapter Name="Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface" IfType="131" PhysicalAddressExists="1" DnsSuffix="" Description="Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter"/></Adapters><BoundaryGroups BoundaryGroupListRetrieveTime="2022-10-17T09:17:55.513" IsOnVPN="0"><BoundaryGroup GroupID="16777220" GroupGUID="85954293-fb3a-47fd-95e5-ce2a01431ac1" GroupFlag="0"/><BoundaryGroup GroupID="16777221" GroupGUID="f81a0abd-4c7c-4be6-a77f-ebbef9cac169" GroupFlag="0"/></BoundaryGroups></ClientLocationInfo></WSUSLocationRequest>

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is this a new site you are setting up or an existing site ? how did you configure things ? what version of sccm is it ?

do the clients actually fall into an ip address range that you have configured in a boundary ?

do your clients have the same version as the site client installed on them ?

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