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Asset Intelligence (Inventoried Software) in SCCM 2012 - How to set it up?

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I am attempting to get Asset Intelligence (specifically Inventoried Software) working on our system. I'll go through all the steps I've done below, but my first question is: Is setting up a Asset Intelligence synchronization point necessary for simply trying to collect currently installed software on client systems?


If so, that's probably my problem, as I have the Asset Intelligence component enabled, but not the Asset Intelligence synchronization point installed. I don't understand why this piece is necessary, if it is. Can anyone explain to me why that's the case?



However, if this is NOT required for a simple "installed software scan", here's what I've done so far:


1. Enabled Asset Intelligence component and selected "SMS_InstalleSoftware", "SMS_SystemConsoleUsage", and "SMS_SystemConsoleUser" checkboxes

2. Enabled Software Inventory on Default Client Settings, "Enabled software Inventory on clients" and added *.exe to the "Inventory these file types"

3. Verified that all clients are successfully "talking properly" to the SCCM server

4. Ran a full "Software Inventory Cycle" and a "Hardware Inventory Cycle" client-side on all client computers


None of these have worked, as nothing every shows up in Inventoried Software.


Can anyone help point me to what part I'm missing?


Thanks in advance!

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The following things need to be done : The Location of configuration.mof and sms_def.mof: E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\clifiles.src\hinv


The following changes were made to configuration.mof in order for CAL tracking


instance of CCM_CALTrackConfig


CALCollectionType = 0; //0-Disabled, 1-User CAL, 2-Device CAL, 3-All

CALCollectionFrequencyDays = 7;

CALCollectionFrequencyMinutes = 60;

CALCollectionTimeWindow = 90;

CALCollectionSupportedWindowsVersions = "5.0,5.2,6.0";





instance of CCM_CALTrackConfig


CALCollectionType = 3; //0-Disabled, 1-User CAL, 2-Device CAL, 3-All

CALCollectionFrequencyDays = 7;

CALCollectionFrequencyMinutes = 60;

CALCollectionTimeWindow = 90;

CALCollectionSupportedWindowsVersions = "5.0,5.2,6.0,6.1";




Adding the “3” allows for both user and device CAL’s to be tracked

Adding “,6.1” allows the support of Windows 7 devices


To ensure only necessary CAL tracking data is stored in the site database we have made the following 2 changes to the site maintenance tasks: (Site Code) >Site Settings >Site Maintenance>Tasks.


Delete Aged Client Access License Data

-Has been enabled and set to delete aged data after 180Days

-Run at 12:00AM Every Saturday


Summarize Client Access License Weekly Usage Data

-Has been enabled and for data trending reports

-Run at 12:00AM Every Saturday


The final step was to enable logging of events on both the DC and SCCM servers:


To enable success logon event logging using a local security policy”

  1. On a Configuration Manager 2007 client computer, open Control Panel and navigate to Administrative Tools \ Local Security Policy.
  2. Navigate to Security Settings \ Local Policies \ Audit Policy.
  3. In the results pane, double-click Audit logon events and ensure that Success is selected.

To enable success logon event logging using an Active Directory domain security policy

  1. On a domain controller computer, navigate to Administrative Tools \ Domain Security Policy.
  2. Navigate to Security Settings \ Local Policies \ Audit Policy.
  3. In the results pane, double-click Audit logon events and ensure that Success is selected.

To enable the reporting classes within the console you need to right mouse click on ‘Asset Intelligence’ and select ‘Edit Asset Intelligence Reporting Class Settings’

A list of all reporting classes and what they do can be found on:


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Importing the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service (MVLS)


SCCM 2007 has some great reports such as 14A and 14B which allow you to view how many and what computers are using a license from you volume license agreements, and what software you are under licensed for.


Obtain Information from the Microsoft Licensing Portal


1) First you will need a computer with Internet Explorer 7.x or greater and Excel 2003 or greater


2) Login to site with credentials that hold most if not all microsoft agreements



3) Then choose Licenses > License Summary. On the screen that appears will be a table with all product information including Application name, version, quantity.


4) Select “Download all licenses Information from the right hand side.


Edit Excel Document


You now need to make following changes to the excel document


1) Delete Sheet 2 and 3


2) Name the Sheet License Data


3) For each cell in column C, which should be titled ‘License Version’ (excluding the header) adding the character ' before the data so Excel treats it as a string not a number. If this is not done SCCM will fail when attempting to import the license data.


4a) Excel 2003- Save file as XML Spreadsheet (*.XML) to network share


4b) Excel 2007- Save file as XML Spreadsheet 2003 (*.XMl) to network share

\\%yourservername%\d$\CONFIGMGR DATA\License Data


Import Data to SCCM


1) Log onto your SCCM server


2) From the Configuration Manager Console right click on ‘Asset Intelligence’ and select ‘Import Software License’ and follow the prompts.


Alternatively this can be completed from the command prompt:


1) Open the command prompt and change to the following directory C:\Program Files\MicrosoftConfiguration Manager\bin\i386


2) Now run following:

cmd mvlsimport /file <UNC path of the MVLS XML file saved above>



cmd mvlsimport /file\\Fileserver\share\test1.xml


And hit Enter >View Report Data


3) Run SCCM reports

i) License 14A - Microsoft Volume Licensing Reconciliation Report

ii) License 14B - List of Microsoft Software Inventory not found in MVLS

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If you need assistance importing the 3rd part applications (Report 15A or 15B) let me know and ill post up how to do that as well. Also the Asset Intelligence synchronization point is not required for asset intelligence, unless you need to download the latest software catalogues

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Thanks for the helpful run down bdazle. Quick question however....we are using SCCM 2012, not 2007. Is it still necessary to edit the .mof files in order to collect software inventory in 2012? Are all the steps you provided above the same for 2012?


Thanks in Advance!

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That documentation is what I performed on my 2007 prod environment. I don't have my sccm 2012 boxes up as yet so not 100% sure if 2012 but I would imagine it would be almost identical. If you view the mof file in 2012 I would think you would still need to enable "CALCollectionType = 3; //0-Disabled, 1-User CAL, 2-Device CAL, 3-All" but the 'CALCollectionSupportedWindowsVersions = "5.0,5.2,6.0";" would already have the write windows versions to account for win7 and server 2008. i'll try bring up a 2012 box this week and confirm this

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