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Everything posted by bdazle

  1. ignore the above - I found the answer: Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where Name like "%XX%"
  2. Hi All, Is it possible to have a task sequence variable that looks at the hostname and if starts with *XXXX* run the task, if not move on to the next step in the task sequence?
  3. Resolved with a whole new report .... pasted it here if anyone is keen http://pastebin.com/7vsrGQQd
  4. Hi All, I have extended the 'active directory user discovery' to collect some additional attributes like telephonenumber, manager, department etc. I have created a new report which should show this data but unfortunately its not showing any results. I am assuming this is due to some of the users having blank attributes in AD. Is there a way to show these blank attributes in a report or a way around it. This is the query in case anyone wants to see : SELECT DISTINCT v_GS_SYSTEM.Name0 AS 'Computer Name', v_R_System.User_Name0 AS 'USERID', v_R_user.displayName0 As 'Full Name', v_R_user.telephoneNumber0 As 'Landline Number', v_R_user.mobile0 As 'Mobile Number', v_R_user.company0 As 'Company', v_R_user.department0 As 'Department', v_R_user.title0 As 'Title', v_R_user.manager0 As 'Manager', v_R_System.AD_Site_name0 AS 'Site name', v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Manufacturer0 as 'PC Manufacturer', v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Model0 as 'PC Model', v_gs_PC_BIOS.SerialNumber0 as 'Serial Number' FROM v_GS_SYSTEM left JOIN v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID = v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK.ResourceID left JOIN v_RA_System_IPSubnets ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID = v_RA_System_IPSubnets.ResourceID left join v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID = v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.ResourceID left JOIN v_gs_PC_BIOS ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID = v_gs_PC_BIOS.ResourceID left JOIN v_GS_PROCESSOR ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID = v_GS_PROCESSOR.ResourceID left JOIN v_GS_X86_PC_MEMORY ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID = v_GS_X86_PC_MEMORY.ResourceID left JOIN v_R_System ON v_GS_SYSTEM.ResourceID = v_R_System.ResourceID left JOIN v_R_User on V_R_system.User_Name0 = V_R_user.Full_User_Name0 JOIN v_FullCollectionMembership fcm on fcm.resourceid=v_r_system.resourceid WHERE fcm.Collectionid= @Collection
  5. i did verify it and it came back with a success message, thats what had me puzzled when i went back and reevaluated my work
  6. Niall, after spending another hour on the issue i managed to find a resolution to that error. For future reference for anyone with this issue: Error: Failed to save the current environment block (Error:80070057) Resolution: This is due to the wrong password being entered in the Network Access Account.
  7. HI guys, wondering if anyone has seen this error before. I am attempting to pxe boot a hyperV virtual machine and complete a build and capture. It successfully formats the disk and gets to the applying operating system stage and then halts. This is what is listed in smsts.log -Failed to save the current environment block. This is usually caused by a problem with the program. The parameter is incorrect (Error:80070057) Failed to presist execution state. Error:80070057 -Failed to save execution state and environment to local hard disk
  8. We too are looking to deploy Z90D7 Thin Clients. We done a build and capture and have created a task sequence. We have been successful in deploy it though after a restart the unit gets stuck at a grub boot loader screen, so I was looking for something like this and the link is dead any chance you can put it up again
  9. Run the following report. Confirm the package name and ID. Go back into the SCCM console and add the server in question to the distribution points for this packge. The right click on distribution points and select 'manage distribution points' and select next> Update all distribution points with new package source and version>next and place a tick in the box for the server in question>next>finish. Now Right click again on the 'distribution points' in the left pane and select 'update distribution points' and press yes. Report Category Software Distribution - Packages Report Name All active package distributions ..........If this still doesn't work, the next option is to clear it in the sql db which I can give u instructions on how to do (yes its unsupported from MS but we do it quiet often for stuck packages)
  10. a lot of work, you need to extend the AD schema, full rights to the OU for the devices and users (which you should keep in separate OU's) and use the ldap function for your discovery methods in the SCCM console. Create a security group in AD to place all sccm servers in that group, that way for long term management you don't need to add each new server to the primary etc
  11. bdazle

    big report

    "permission was denied on the object" do you have full reporting rights for your user account ?
  12. winproj.exe is the same exe name for both standard and professional, so for software metering it is hard to distinguish which is which. The best way from a licensing point of view is to setup asset intellingence, which I have documented: http://www.windows-n...-up/#entry21586 Next run the following- Report Name: License 14A - Microsoft Volume Licensing Reconciliation Report From here you will be able to seperate visio std and pro and total installation count and the option to expand it to show each device
  13. When the update is scheduled to run, monitor the 'ServiceWindowManager.log' file using trace32. Also a great 3rd party tool is 'SCCM Client Centre'. If you install this on your device and then connect the device in question, you can view the maintenance window from Advertisements> Schedules
  14. Most AutoCAD deployments I have completed have been quiet simple. I'm not sure on prior to 2009 but all software since have had a built in deployment tool. You simply click through the wizard and it will build you a package. Then using a command line like the one below. Keep in mind you will need to change the variable name of the *.ini file, to whatever you named it: %~dp0AdminImage\setup.exe /W /Q /I "%~dp0AdminImage\AutoCAD 2011.ini" /language en-US
  15. Just a word of advice, if you have enabled unknown computer support, make sure you enable pxe flags, last thing you want is an end user pressing f12 and blowing away their device without a backup
  16. bdazle

    big report

    This should help, this is one we use for out true-up for server modelling : SELECT distinct CS.Name0 as 'Host Name', AD.AD_Site_name0 AS 'Site name', BI.DisplayName as 'Site Description', CS.Manufacturer0 as 'Manufacturer', CS.Model0 as 'Model', BIOS.SerialNumber0 as 'Bios Serial', OS.Caption0 as 'Operating System', OPSYS.CSDVersion0 as 'SP Level', CPU.Is64Bit0 as '64 Bit Compatible' , CPU2.CPUSockets as 'CPU Socket Count', cl.numberofprocessors0 as 'Number of Logical Processors', RAM.TotalPhysicalMemory0/1024 as 'RAM (MB)', OPSYS.InstallDate0 as 'OS Install Date', OPSYS.LastBootUpTime0 as 'Last Boot', Addes.Description0 AS 'AD Description', OPSYS.Description0 AS 'Server Description' from v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS right join v_GS_PC_BIOS BIOS on BIOS.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_R_System AD on AD.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_GS_SYSTEM SYS on SYS.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS on OS.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_GS_PROCESSOR CPU on CPU.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_RA_System_SMSAssignedSites RAA on RAA.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_GS_X86_PC_MEMORY RAM on RAM.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_R_System Addes on Addes.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK LDisk on LDisk.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_GS_SYSTEM_ENCLOSURE SE on SE.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID left join v_BoundaryInfo BI on AD.AD_Site_Name0 = BI.Value right join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OPSYS on OPSYS.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_FullCollectionMembership FCM on FCM.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join (select cpu1.ResourceID, cpu1.SystemName0, Count(cpu1.SocketDesignation0) as 'CPUSockets' from (select ResourceID, SystemName0, SocketDesignation0 from v_GS_processor group by ResourceID, SystemName0, SocketDesignation0) cpu1 group by cpu1.ResourceID, cpu1.SystemName0) CPU2 ON CPU2.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID INNER JOIN dbo.v_GS_Computer_System as cl ON sys.resourceID = cl.resourceID where LDisk.DriveType0 =3 and SYS.SystemRole0 = 'Server' group by CS.Name0, ad.AD_Site_Name0, BI.DisplayName, CS.Domain0, CS.UserName0, BIOS.SerialNumber0, SE.SerialNumber0, CS.Manufacturer0, CS.Model0, OS.Caption0, RAA.SMS_Assigned_Sites0, RAM.TotalPhysicalMemory0, CPU.CurrentClockSpeed0, CPU2.CPUSockets, FCM.SiteCode, OPSYS.Caption0, OPSYS.Version0, CPU.Is64Bit0, OPSYS.CSDVersion0, OPSYS.InstallDate0, OPSYS.LastBootUpTime0, OPSYS.WindowsDirectory0, Addes.Description0, OPSYS.Description0, cl.numberofprocessors0
  17. That documentation is what I performed on my 2007 prod environment. I don't have my sccm 2012 boxes up as yet so not 100% sure if 2012 but I would imagine it would be almost identical. If you view the mof file in 2012 I would think you would still need to enable "CALCollectionType = 3; //0-Disabled, 1-User CAL, 2-Device CAL, 3-All" but the 'CALCollectionSupportedWindowsVersions = "5.0,5.2,6.0";" would already have the write windows versions to account for win7 and server 2008. i'll try bring up a 2012 box this week and confirm this
  18. If you need assistance importing the 3rd part applications (Report 15A or 15B) let me know and ill post up how to do that as well. Also the Asset Intelligence synchronization point is not required for asset intelligence, unless you need to download the latest software catalogues
  19. Importing the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service (MVLS) SCCM 2007 has some great reports such as 14A and 14B which allow you to view how many and what computers are using a license from you volume license agreements, and what software you are under licensed for. Obtain Information from the Microsoft Licensing Portal 1) First you will need a computer with Internet Explorer 7.x or greater and Excel 2003 or greater 2) Login to site with credentials that hold most if not all microsoft agreements https://www.microsoft.com/licensing/servicecenter/default.aspx 3) Then choose Licenses > License Summary. On the screen that appears will be a table with all product information including Application name, version, quantity. 4) Select “Download all licenses Information from the right hand side. Edit Excel Document You now need to make following changes to the excel document 1) Delete Sheet 2 and 3 2) Name the Sheet License Data 3) For each cell in column C, which should be titled ‘License Version’ (excluding the header) adding the character ' before the data so Excel treats it as a string not a number. If this is not done SCCM will fail when attempting to import the license data. 4a) Excel 2003- Save file as XML Spreadsheet (*.XML) to network share 4b) Excel 2007- Save file as XML Spreadsheet 2003 (*.XMl) to network share \\%yourservername%\d$\CONFIGMGR DATA\License Data Import Data to SCCM 1) Log onto your SCCM server 2) From the Configuration Manager Console right click on ‘Asset Intelligence’ and select ‘Import Software License’ and follow the prompts. Alternatively this can be completed from the command prompt: 1) Open the command prompt and change to the following directory C:\Program Files\MicrosoftConfiguration Manager\bin\i386 2) Now run following: cmd mvlsimport /file <UNC path of the MVLS XML file saved above> Example: cmd mvlsimport /file\\Fileserver\share\test1.xml And hit Enter >View Report Data 3) Run SCCM reports i) License 14A - Microsoft Volume Licensing Reconciliation Report ii) License 14B - List of Microsoft Software Inventory not found in MVLS
  20. The following things need to be done : The Location of configuration.mof and sms_def.mof: E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\clifiles.src\hinv The following changes were made to configuration.mof in order for CAL tracking FROM: instance of CCM_CALTrackConfig { CALCollectionType = 0; //0-Disabled, 1-User CAL, 2-Device CAL, 3-All CALCollectionFrequencyDays = 7; CALCollectionFrequencyMinutes = 60; CALCollectionTimeWindow = 90; CALCollectionSupportedWindowsVersions = "5.0,5.2,6.0"; }; TO: instance of CCM_CALTrackConfig { CALCollectionType = 3; //0-Disabled, 1-User CAL, 2-Device CAL, 3-All CALCollectionFrequencyDays = 7; CALCollectionFrequencyMinutes = 60; CALCollectionTimeWindow = 90; CALCollectionSupportedWindowsVersions = "5.0,5.2,6.0,6.1"; }; NOTE: Adding the “3” allows for both user and device CAL’s to be tracked Adding “,6.1” allows the support of Windows 7 devices To ensure only necessary CAL tracking data is stored in the site database we have made the following 2 changes to the site maintenance tasks: (Site Code) >Site Settings >Site Maintenance>Tasks. Delete Aged Client Access License Data -Has been enabled and set to delete aged data after 180Days -Run at 12:00AM Every Saturday Summarize Client Access License Weekly Usage Data -Has been enabled and for data trending reports -Run at 12:00AM Every Saturday The final step was to enable logging of events on both the DC and SCCM servers: To enable success logon event logging using a local security policy” On a Configuration Manager 2007 client computer, open Control Panel and navigate to Administrative Tools \ Local Security Policy. Navigate to Security Settings \ Local Policies \ Audit Policy. In the results pane, double-click Audit logon events and ensure that Success is selected. To enable success logon event logging using an Active Directory domain security policy On a domain controller computer, navigate to Administrative Tools \ Domain Security Policy. Navigate to Security Settings \ Local Policies \ Audit Policy. In the results pane, double-click Audit logon events and ensure that Success is selected. To enable the reporting classes within the console you need to right mouse click on ‘Asset Intelligence’ and select ‘Edit Asset Intelligence Reporting Class Settings’ A list of all reporting classes and what they do can be found on: http://technet.micro...y/cc161894.aspx
  21. Had the same issue this morning and came across this thread only to find no replies. The fix for me was that last month we changed Primary Site>Site Settings>Site Systems> %servername% >ConfigMgr Software Update Point. We had changed the proxy to our new ISA servers and enabled *use credentials to connect to the proxy server* with a service account. As soon as a pointed it back to our old proxy server (which didnt require authentication) the components status went back to OK.
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