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RIS on Dell Latitude D531


here's the SIF



floppyless = "1"

msdosinitiated = "1"


OriTyp = "4"

LocalSourceOnCD = 1

;DisableAdminAccountOnDomainJoin = 1



OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect"

SetupSourceDevice = "\Device\LanmanRedirector\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%"



OemPreinstall = yes





FileSystem = LeaveAlone

ExtendOEMPartition = 0

TargetPath = \WINDOWS

OemSkipEula = yes


;LegacyNIC = 1





Fullname = D531XPSP2

OrgName = "%ORGNAME%"

ComputerName = %MACHINENAME%

ProductID = "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx"



OemSkipWelcome = 1

OemSkipRegional = 1

TimeZone = %TIMEZONE%

AdminPassword = "*"





;"Regedit /s C:\drivers\D531\Setup\custom.reg"

;"Regedit /s C:\dell\dell_wallpaper.reg"





ConfigureAtLogon = 0

BitsPerPel = 32

XResolution = 1280

YResolution = 800

VRefresh = 60

AutoConfirm = 1



"ATI AHCI Compatible RAID Controller-x86 platform" = "OEM"

"IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2)/PCI IDE Controller" = "RETAIL"


; Use info from the Txtsetup.oem file











LanguageGroup = 1

Language = 00000409






; accessopt = On

; calc = On

; cdplayer = On

; certsrv = Off

; certsrv_client = Off

; certsrv_server = Off

; charmap = On

; chat = Off

; deskpaper = On

; dialer = On

; fp = Off

; freecell = On

; hypertrm = On

; iis_common = Off

; iisdbg = Off

; iis_doc = Off

; iis_ftp = Off

; iis_htmla = Off

; iis_inetmgr = Off

; iis_nmtp = Off

; iis_nmtp_docs = Off

; iis_pwmgr = Off

; iis_smtp = Off

; iis_smtp_docs = Off

; iis_www = Off

; indexsrv_system = Off

; media_clips = On

; media_utopia = Off

; minesweeper = On

; mousepoint = On

; mplay = On

; msmq = Off

msmsgs= off

msnexplr = Off

; mswordpad = On

; netcis = Off

; netoc = On

; objectpkg = Off

; paint = On

; pinball = On

; rec = On

; rstorage = Off

; solitaire = On

; templates = On

; TSClients = Off

; vol = On

OEAccess = Off

Zonegames = Off



;DefaultStartPanelOff = Yes

;DefaultThemesOff = Yes






JoinDomain = RIS

DoOldStyleDomainJoin = yes

;CreateComputerAccountInDomain = 0



Repartition = Yes

UseWholeDisk = Yes




Description ="Dell Latitude D531 SATA - Windows XP Pro ENG-SP2-VLK."

Help ="SIF/Win2k3/This is for Dell Latitude D531. SIF file created by niall_brady@windows-noob.com"

LaunchFile = "%INSTALLPATH%\%MACHINETYPE%\templates\startrom.com"

ImageType =Flat


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