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Test Lab Setup For Software Deployment Troubleshooting...

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Hi there,


I was directed to this forum from a post in another forum...




In short, I've downloaded the guides mentioned in the above post and had some questions. I'm a bit confused as to how many VMs I will need to create the test lab, if some can be used for several purposes, etc.


I need to set up an SCCM test environment so I can troubleshoot issues some our seeing with our application installation package.


Since I was directed here, I'm wondering if this is a good place to start...





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As Jason said in the TechNet forum, there is no correct answer to this question. How many do you want?



BTW you don't need CM12 to test how an application will installed using CM12. This blog post will tell you how to test your app.




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I need to set up an SCCM test environment so I can troubleshoot issues some our seeing with our application installation package.


Since I was directed here, I'm wondering if this is a good place to start...







if you follow either of the main guides above you'll be in a fairly good place lab wise to test things, there's two choices, standalone or hierarchy, so choose the one that suits your environment, a standalone primary should be plenty for most people, if you do decide to set this up then two virtual machines is all you'll need in hyperv or vmware, i'm happy to help you with setting it up




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I haven't had the time to start looking through the guides yet, but is there a basic outline of what needs to be installed on each of the two Servers? I shouldn't say I don't have the time, but for some reason, the site doesn't function properly when accessing from work. Must be blocked on our side for security reasons. So, I jump on the site sporadically when I have the chance.


Anyway, I was hoping that my VM environment can be self contained in that it operates in a bubble and doesn't need to access anything on my work network. They get antsy when they see new machines popping up on the network. I'm not sure if your guides lead to that end or not. ??


Thanks for willingness to help as well!! :D

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well you can use hyperv in Windows 8.1 to create virtual machines for this lab on a reasonably new laptop/desktop with lots of ram (16gb)

create a Private network and add your vm's in there, that way your production network won't be affected in any way


if you want help with that i can help no problem via teamviewer, just setup hyperv on a machine and be ready to rock

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I was just going to dump 2 Server VMs and a Client VM (Win 7 or 8) on an external drive.


I guess I just need to know what needs to be installed on the AD Server and the Configuration Manager Server. I was going to go with Server 2012 for those if that will work.


Does anything need to be installed on the Client or it only needs to be seen on the network?

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just start off with two servers, one for Active Directory (dns and dhcp) and one for CM12, if you want some tips on setting up AD then look at this old post, it'll help (steps 1 and 2 are all you need pretty much), that was for server 2008 but it'll give you some ideas.


once AD is setup install CM12 using the guides, once that is done, work your way through the guides as it'll teach you to deploy Windows 7 (or 8) and that's how you create your clients.


as always, if you are setting things up and stuck post here and i'll help, i can do teamviewer too




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