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Everything posted by jkjk12

  1. I get the same error when I run my TS Failed to run the action: Prepare Windows for Capture. The request is not supported. (Error: 80070032; Source: Windows) I created a Boot Media and run all of this from a WinPE DVD. How do you get by this error.
  2. jkjk12

    How do you do.......

    Yes, I did a Capture Boot Media too. That seems to be the only way. But it still dies. Can you post your Capture Task Sequence? here is mine. Am I missing anything? <?xml version="1.0"?> <SmsTaskSequencePackage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <BootImageID>NA1000B4</BootImageID> <Category /> <DependentProgram /> <Description /> <Duration>360</Duration> <Name>z_Capture8200</Name> <ProgramFlags>152084496</ProgramFlags> <SequenceData> <sequence version="3.00"> <group name="Error Catching Top" description=""> <group name="Capture 8200" description=""> <step type="SMS_TaskSequence_PrepareOSAction" name="Prepare Windows for Capture" description="" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0"> <action>osdprepareos.exe /activate:%OSDKeepActivation% /bmsd:%OSDBuildStorageDriverList%</action> <defaultVarList> <variable name="OSDBuildStorageDriverList" property="BuildStorageDriverList">false</variable> <variable name="OSDKeepActivation" property="KeepActivation">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> <step type="SMS_TaskSequence_CaptureSystemImageAction" name="Capture Operating System Image" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0"> <action>osdcapturesystemimage.exe</action> <defaultVarList> <variable name="OSDCaptureDestination" property="CaptureDestination">\\OurServer\d$\WIM\Windows 7\hp8200fat.wim</variable> <variable name="OSDCaptureAccountPassword" property="CapturePassword"> </variable> <variable name="OSDCaptureAccount" property="CaptureUsername">na\MyAdminID</variable> <variable name="OSDImageCreator" property="ImageCreator"> </variable> <variable name="OSDImageDescription" property="ImageDescription"> </variable> <variable name="OSDImageVersion" property="ImageVersion"> </variable> </defaultVarList> </step> </group> </group> <group name="Error Catching Bottom" description=""> <step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ConnectNetworkFolderAction" name="Connect to Network Folder" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0"> <action>smsnetuse.exe %SMSConnectNetworkFolderPath%</action> <defaultVarList> <variable name="SMSConnectNetworkFolderDriveLetter" property="DriveLetter">O:</variable> <variable name="SMSConnectNetworkFolderPassword" property="Password"> </variable> <variable name="SMSConnectNetworkFolderPath" property="Path">\\OurServer\d$\TSErrorLogs</variable> <variable name="SMSConnectNetworkFolderAccount" property="Username">na\MyAdminID</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> <step type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" name="create log folder for target machine" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>smsswd.exe /run: cmd.exe /c md O:\%_SMSTSMACHINENAME%</action> <defaultVarList> <variable name="CommandLine" property="CommandLine" hidden="true">cmd.exe /c md O:\%_SMSTSMACHINENAME%</variable> <variable name="SMSTSDisableWow64Redirection" property="DisableWow64Redirection">false</variable> <variable name="_SMSTSRunCommandLineAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SuccessCodes" property="SuccessCodes" hidden="true">0 3010</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> <step type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" name="copy logs to folder" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>smsswd.exe /run: cmd.exe /c copy %_SMSTSLOGPATH%\*.* O:\%_SMSTSMACHINENAME%</action> <defaultVarList> <variable name="CommandLine" property="CommandLine" hidden="true">cmd.exe /c copy %_SMSTSLOGPATH%\*.* O:\%_SMSTSMACHINENAME%</variable> <variable name="SMSTSDisableWow64Redirection" property="DisableWow64Redirection">false</variable> <variable name="_SMSTSRunCommandLineAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SuccessCodes" property="SuccessCodes" hidden="true">0 3010</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> </group> </sequence> </SequenceData> <SourceDate>2011-12-01T09:11:41</SourceDate> <SupportedOperatingSystems /> <IconSize>0</IconSize> </SmsTaskSequencePackage>
  3. jkjk12

    How do you do.......

    I did read this link: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb632465.aspx and it says the machine can not be joined to a domain. And since my machine is not part of a domain it never ran an inventory so it does not show up in any colllection. In fact, in the Configuration Manager icon in control panel I only see 2 things under the Actions Tab (machine policy and user policy retrieval) So how do you capture this machine when its not part of the domain?
  4. I am trying to create a .WIM file that I can capture and then send off to a vendor. I ran a task sequence that installed the Windows 7 OS and some applications but I Disabled the "join network". I then made some Mods to the machine that needed to be done for the vendor. So the machine is in a workgroup. When I log onto the target machine I notice that the Configuration Manager icon in Control Panel is Not assigned to a Site. And if I pick "discover" it fails. I assume this is because it is not part of a domain? And if it's not assigned to a site how can I capture the machine into a .wim file? I need to capture it while it is NOT part of a domain. And this is using SCCM 2007 R3 Thanks.
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