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Everything posted by SombreSire

  1. Hello, The update is not available to us either, it is slowly deployed to everyone but not at the same time. If you want to have it right now, you have to download a script that will put you in the early distribution ring. It is available here : https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/ConfigMgr-1806-Enable-3eb4b46c I have not tested the script, I am waiting patiently ;-) I hope this will help you
  2. Hello, Can someone tell me if it is possible to find in the SCCM logs who started the installation of Updates through Software Center ? We put the updates available for some times before forcing the installation. On some machines we had complaints that the updates started installing by themselves ( !! ) and we were asked to find who started the installation. In the SCCM logs, maybe I have missed it, but I can't find anything. In the Windowsupdate.log, all I see is the ClientId or CallerId in CcmExec. So at the moment I can only guess by looking in the eventlog for the people who were logged on the machine at that time but is it not ideal. Can anyone give me some advice on this ? Thanks in advance Marc
  3. Hello, I would like to create a package to deploy WMF 4.0 to our machines and I need some advice. The source files for WMF4 are different for server 2012 and server 2008R2. Is it a good practice to create a package with 2 programs (1 program for the 2012 installation and 1 for the server 2008R2 installation) or is it better to create 2 separate packages ? The problem I see creating two programs in one package is that for each program the compliance and assets target numbers are not correct. For exemple, I have a collection with one server 2012 and one 2008R2 server; when creating one package wih two programs, the counts for each program is 2 and the compliance (when installed) is 50% and that's not correct. So, can I assume it is better to create 2 distinct packages, one for each supported OS ? Thanks in advance for you help Marc.
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