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About Tobie

  • Birthday 03/24/1985

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  • Location
    Bromölla, Sweden

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. all the best bud, sccm is not too hard, let us know if u get stick

  2. installing my new LAB

    1. Shekar





  3. I will complete it as soon as i get my LAB up and running again. Working on it
  4. welcome back :) was wondering where ya got to !

  5. hey mate!

    just wanna say that i'm back on windows-noob :)


  6. I have moveed this post from SMS, SCCM 2007 to Deploy software, applications and drivers /Tobie
  7. Will you deploy SP2 with WSUS or as an application via SCCM? /Tobie
  8. select that the program can be installed on any platform and erase you values regarding the file size to see if there is any diffrence. Error 1812 is: The specified image file did not contain a resource section. it seems that you have the wrong path to the installation file or the installation file is damaged. error code 0x00000005 is: Access denied but i cant see that in u'r logfile. /Tobie
  9. Tobie

    Installing PXE

    enyweb: i need your assistance regarding the boot image question. please help him out
  10. Tobie

    Installing PXE

    ensure your switch have PortFast enabled. otherwise, make sure Option 60 is set on the DHCP scope or server. is this computer connected to the network via a hub? do u have 2 NIC's on your server? lets say that u have that, the first NIC have a static ip, the other recievs ip address via DHCP, maybe its the wrong NIC that respons on your request. good luck and happy troubleshooting /Tobie
  11. why post it like that? please share as everybode else ; ) /tobie
  12. This is what you're looking for Just fallow my instructions... Good luck! /tobie
  13. Hmm, well that is strange. Have you updated the collection you're looking in? I suspect that you not fallowed anywebs instructions properly, you might have missed something, please go through the instructions again to verify that everything is correct cuz it should work with anywebs instruktions. Or else, i still suspect connection problems. Are you using any firewall on the client side? If we should be able to help you, we need some more information about your environment. /Tobias
  14. Look here... http://technet.microsoft.com/sv-se/library...607(en-us).aspx /Tobias
  15. Take a look at the link below, this will help you... http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?showforum=43 /Tobias
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