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Everything posted by emilchik

  1. I know it's an OLD post, but it did come up when I searched for the resolution of the same problem. I had spent almost 2 days troubleshooting this issue by myself and with MSFT CAS rep. After running Process monitor I noticed that MOFCOMP.exe is trying to access C:\Windows\Temp folder to write some temp file. I examined that folder and found that it has over 74,000 files in it dating as far back as 3 years ago. I deleted all files in it (it had some files in use or locked, but MAJORITY of them have been removed), then restarted SMS Executive service and it all started to work. Next morning I validated packages and it all was distributed and re-validated successfully. Later on, I found that user Rbaker0 had the same solution on the TechNet forum: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/574a9a72-1276-4500-94f3-12b0a31f1364/mofcompexe-failed-delete-the-classes-and-retry-compiling-0x8004400a-unexpected-token-at-file?forum=configmanagergeneral
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