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Everything posted by Narcis

  1. The most useful documentation and examples about this can be found: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/CloneDP-for-SCCM-2012-SP1-825ce5b1 https://david-obrien.net/2013/02/how-to-prestage-content-in-configuration-manager-2012-script/ The first script is very nice as it deals with all possible content from a source Distribution Point, but you can filter out content types, leaving in only the packages, if you'd like.
  2. Are you sure that even if you increased the memory allocated to the Application Pool in IIS, the server actually has enough free memory left to fill in that increase? I have seen similar cases where a new application installed on the WSUS server was claiming the free memory before WSUS. Also, the Windows 7 Update Agent had some serious issues some time ago, specially the 32 bit ones. Make sure you use a very recent Update agent version. For your reference, some version numbers for the recent versions of Update Agent: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/949104/how-to-update-the-windows-update-agent-to-the-latest-version Then, there is the WSUS Cleanup - for SCCM, the usual WSUS Cleanup is not effective as it related to updates that are "Approved" and SCCM does not approve updates on WSUS (and neither should anyone). More details here: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/configurationmgr/2015/04/15/support-tip-configmgr-2012-update-scan-fails-and-causes-incorrect-compliance-status/
  3. I have similar scripts and I encountered a similar behavior recently. In my case, it turned out that I was executing the powershell script with the "Run PowerShell script" task, as I saw you are doing. The solution is to run this as a "Run Command Line" task. The explanation could be this: When you run the PowerShell native task, the script is executed in the same process as the Task Sequence, and when it closes the Task Sequence GUI, it closes also it's own GUI, hanging itself... When you run this with the Command Line task, it opens a new powershell process, that closes and resumes the Task Sequence GUI.
  4. If the IP configuration takes a longer time to initialize, or if it does not initialize by itself automatically during the Task Sequence engine start, you can trigger it just before the Task Sequence Engine starts. Some good tips where present here: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/system_center_configuration_manager_operating_system_deployment_support_blog/2014/04/28/how-to-ensure-that-windows-installs-on-c-during-a-system-center-2012-configuration-manager-osd-task-sequence/but the article was updated and the section of interest removed. The ideea is that you add a modified winpeshl.ini file in the following location in SCCM [Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\OSD\bin\i386\winpeshl.ini], then it will get added to your boot images when you update them. There are two files, one for i386 and one for x64. A more similar example, where a guy is adding just a 10 seconds delay, can be found here: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/a60feb9b-d968-4a2c-9449-773c61bcdf58/os-deployment-unable-to-read-task-sequence-wpeinitexe-does-not-start-automatically?forum=configmgrgeneral The last line from the file needs to be adapted for each architecture: %SYSTEMDRIVE%\sms\bin\i386\TsBootShell.exe or %SYSTEMDRIVE%\sms\bin\x64\TsBootShell.exe
  5. The Application Model is based on Deployment Content, which can be different for different Deployment Types, in the same Application. The URL for the Deployment Content can be constructed in a similar way as for packages: http://dpname/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/%ContentID%.%Content Version%. Content ID can be found in the console relatively easy but the version might be more tricky. Even if you can see in the Console a Source Version for the application, there are different versions for Deployment Types. It may be somewhere in WMI but I did not checked until now.
  6. It seems that for some reason, you managed to boot into a Boot Image that does not have the SCCM Task Sequence Engine injected. Have you configured by any chance the WDS component from the Distribution Point directly from its own GUI, and not from the SCCM Console?
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