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Everything posted by Malik4u

  1. Its was found in .local as well as in .com as well. I checked it several times, rebooted the server, turned off the firewall etc, nothing happened.
  2. I noticed that when I select AppStore app, nothing appear, But when Android is selected, Google Play appears as usual. I have turned off Windows firewall (for testing only) + I am NOT using any proxy .
  3. Thanks Niall, it fixed now. Your suggestion worked like a charm. Now I am able to enroll iPad successfully. However, it has been almost 10 hours and I cant see iPad listed under all Mobile Devices yet. Android device that was enrolled after the iPad is showing up in the CM's All Mobile Devices Console. I updated the Membership several time + Refresh, iPad is not showing up.
  4. I have MalikSPAM! as public domain, is it OK to setup SCCM 2012 R2 setup + ADDS with Example.Com and add UPN Suffix with _SPAM!?
  5. Ok, greate. I will do that , now I am going to unauthorize the domain + desync the ADDS replication with Intune. Of course will sign up for the new Intune Subscription. ----- CM12.windowsintunenoob.com ----- in your example , windowsintunenoob.com MUST NOT be publicly available domain ? Can I use example.com with ADDS and add UPN Suffix with my public SPAM! domain?
  6. Should I sign up for the another intune 30 days trial and build from scratch now and have a test ? I can start de-syncronization for the current IntuneSubscription. OR try to rename the ADDS name ?
  7. Hmmmm, Thanks for your reply and support. Thats odd then ... because in my 1st LAB env. I set up the ADDS with the public domain name with SPAM! suffix. (NAMalikSPAM!) Then ADDS FQDN was ending up "MDMServer2012R2.NAMalikSPAM!" .... and I had the same error message for iOS.
  8. And here comes the SCCM 2012 R2 logs (maybe you needed them as well?) CloudMgr.log cloudusersync.log dmpdownloader.log dmpuploader.log
  9. Hi Niall, Its in the Log File Name as: 1stUser2ndLoginAttempt_11.07_CompanyPortal-Log 2ndUser_1stLoginAttempt_11.09_CompanyPortal-Log 2ndUser_2ndLoginAttempt_11.11_CompanyPortal-Log 2nd-Dev-1stUserLogin_11.19-CompanyPortal-Log 2nd-Dev-2ndUser_1stLogin_11.22_CompanyPortal-Log 2nd-Dev-2ndUser_2ndLogin_11.24_CompanyPortal-Log Please let me know if are able to download the log files (1st-Device-Logs.zip) and (2nd-Device-Logs.zip)
  10. Hi, I have tested with 2nd user as well, same results. ⦁ Login with the first user -> Failed ⦁ Clean Safari History + Cache -> 2ndUser -> Login Attempt ->Fail ⦁ Restore the iPad to factory ->Test -> Fail 2nd iPad (untouched, brand new) ⦁ Login with the first user -> Failed ⦁ Clean Safari History + Cache -> 2ndUser -> Login Attempt ->Fail ⦁ Restore the iPad to factory ->Test -> Fail ---- Log Files are attached also for both uses , both devices including error appear time --- Besides iOS device enrolment, I noticed that when I select AppStore app, nothing appear, But when Android is selected, Google Play appears as usual. I have turned off Windows firewall (for testing only) + I am NOT using any proxy . 1st-Device-Logs.zip 2nd-Device-Logs.zip
  11. Thanks for reply. 1. This device has NOT been managed by other MDM Solutions, in fact it was brand new device never used before. 2. user@yourpublicdomain.com is in Windows intune User Collection (limiting to all users collection, for testing purposes). 3. Does the log file (available at: https://bth.itslearning.com/data/640/11518/CompanyPortal-Log.log ) shows something suspecios? .... You mentioned about the certificate, I have requested the APN certificaes + PEM file more then once but sure that have used the correct APN to correct PEM file ,.... does this make any diffirence? OR Should I try to revoke the unused certificates?
  12. Thanks for reply, YES I have done this /tested this several times. Even I restored the iPad to factory settings, installed the app again, and try the login, same result
  13. Hi Niall I used your guide to set up the LAB env. I used user@yourpublicdomain.com And I use the same user@yourpublicdomain.com in case of Android.
  14. Thanks, I am connected to internet + PEM file is also on Place. Due to some reasons I cant copy the URL here, so please have a look on the TechNet to see the Screensport + Log File.
  15. Hi Nial, http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/a2662744-3656-4938-bd11-d5032dcc9623/ios-device-failed-to-enroll-sccm2012-r2?forum=configmanagerdeployment#06c2309c-4883-47f8-ab34-f26d92a947a8 Could you please have a look on screenshots available on above link ... I am connected to internet + I can enroll Android device, not iOS.
  16. Hi, I am trying to enroll iOS devices but the iOS enrolment process failed with "unanticipated error"' I have double checked and verified that UPN is OK, someone faced the same issue? Here is the link on TechNet forum with screenshot. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/a2662744-3656-4938-bd11-d5032dcc9623/ios-device-failed-to-enroll-sccm2012-r2?forum=configmanagerdeployment#a2662744-3656-4938-bd11-d5032dcc9623
  17. Hi, When I try to enroll iPad I got the following message: AccountNotOnBoard The user account is synced with Windows Intune, how to troubleshoot?
  18. God Bless You Nial for this work, wonderful guide as always We are looking forward to add apps /next part of this mini series Have a nice day, bye.
  19. Thanks Nial for reply and providing the URL to next part. Regarding UPN, when I selected multiple users -> Properties ->Account Tab -> I can see that UPN suffix shows the correct value but the check box was unselected, I place a tick box , click, apply ... then this UPN suffix check box removed automatically. I don't know if its normal or not. Have you experienced the same when you selected the UPN suffix check box?
  20. Thanks Nial for the wonderful guide (as always). 1. I cant find the link to the next part of this series (iOS support), am I missing URL or its under production. 2. For UPN suffix, I configured my AD DS setup with public domain and noticed that correct UPN is already there, no need to configure it separately, am I correct?
  21. I have set MICROSOFT as source , but still same problem.
  22. Hi, I have installed SC 2012 SP1 + SQL Server 2012 CU2e I followed the following guide: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4427-using-sccm-2012-rc-in-a-lab-part-2-add-sup-and-wds/ And when Sync Failed, what could be went wrong? I have copied the logs+screenshot, and would be thankful if someone can give expert advise. Here is link : http://sdrv.ms/13kmHBQ WCM.log WCM.log
  23. Hmm, lot of work to do On the other hand, please direct me to link or guide where I can find information about setting up Remote Installation of SCCM distribution point. (so you can deploy OS remotely, have distribution point on remote location and managing images from central location.) What kind of VPN setup required. thanks.
  24. Oops, I have done this already, what shall I do now? Should I remove PSP and WDS, and start over?
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