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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, We have a hibrid SCCM + Intune scenario and i got an alert on SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC component. In cloudusersync.log reports that are a duplicated object and it can't remove the license: ERROR: RemoveLicensedUsers exception Microsoft.Management.Services.Common.InvalidParameterException: Duplicate object key found in request: Id: 'guid'219c3d11-feed-4291-b251-c84b782ed7b4''~~ at Microsoft.Management.Services.DistributedQuery.DistributedQuery`1.CheckBatchForDuplicateItems(IEnumerable`1 items)~~ at Microsoft.Management.Services.DistributedQuery.DistributedQuery`1.<DeleteAsync>d__33.MoveNext() SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC 28/03/2018 15:34:09 41440 (0xA1E0) I don't know how to "unlock" this situation, what can i do? it's trying to synchronize every 5 minutes Any suggestions?
  2. In my organization I have a problem with the deployment of operating systems (WIN7) SCCM Version: RTM When I go to deploy new workstations do not have any problems and / or error .... the problem I have when I go to deploy the operating system on a machine previously deployed to. For example, a workstation that had crash problems and then I have to deploy the operating system but I get the F12 and after some research I found that SCCM MacAddress recognizes that, and that is written to the database. I also found the query to delete this record, but I ask you, there is a different procedure ?? I can understand that the work is boring if Mitrovo to distribute 50 workstation from scratch ..... thanks
  3. Hi, all. Weird thing... Config Manager 2012, SP1. AD discovery and network discovery are both on. We've got a number of computers showing up twice in CM. For each of these, there's one instance that looks all fine and happy with successful deployments, etc; then there's another "bare-bones" kind of version with only a handful of properties actually populated. For the bare-bones copy of these: Some things match the active client, namely - MAC Address; IP Address; subnet; Resource Domain or Workgroup; Name; NETBIOS Name; AD, Agent, CM Assigned, CM Resident sites, Resource type (=System), and Decommissioned (=No) While other stuff differs - Agent Name = "SMS_NETWORK_DISCOVERY" (active client has this along with others) Creation Date is always well after the creation date of the "real" copy Resource ID is way different Resource Names = netbios name and FQDN, where active client only has FQDN here And the rest of the fields are usually empty, but not always. LastLogonTimeStamp is sometimes present - I'm guessing this is a case of the DB updating the field for the wrong instance. E.g. I'm looking at one now where the bare-bones copy has a Last Logon Timestamp of 18 August while the real copy is showing a Last Logon Timestamp back in April, right around the time the bad copy showed up. The real one has a last policy request from less than 10 minutes ago... What am i missing here that's causing these to show up? With only a few dozen, it's not a big deal for me to just go in and get rid of them manually, but I'd rather address the root cause. Pretty sure it's not a case of AD delta discovery+OSD looking for unknowns, which is about all I can google up in regards to duplicates, as these new copies showed up in mostly in July 2014 for systems that were either built from scratch or OSD'd and have been in AD for a year or more.
  4. I am managing clients using PKI over HTTPS. the problem i am facing is that some clients although on seperate domains or workgroups may have the same netbios(hostname). because of this they fight for a space within SCCM admin console, and invariably do not appear. e.g CLIENT1 - netbios name (DOMAIN) CLIENT2 - netbios name (DOMAIN) both are completly different (GUID, MAC, IP, DOMAIN or WORKGROUP) but have problems co-existing. what is the solution? i cannot rename the hosts, and why cannot they co-exist if all other data is different...
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