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Export SCCM 2007 packages to XML?

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Hi there,


The migration tool (/rights) are managed on a CAS-level so I am unable to migrate using this tool.


So : I've written a powershell script on our SCCM 2012 environment which takes a XML, creates the applications defined in there, creates the deployment type, creates the collection and deploys it to this collection. And afterwards, moves everything in their proper locations... So that part of the migration is written and tested.


I now "just" need to find a way to export SCCM 2007 packages to a XML (or CSV) - my experience with 2007 isn't that profound unfortunately and I thought that the powershell connectivity isn't as well-defined as in 2012?

Can someone point me to an article on how to do this? Is this possible at all?




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Thanks a lot Garth - don't have any experience with the CM07 SDK but always interested to learn. So I'll see how this can be done (I hope). And strangely enough, MyITForum is currently not accessible so I'll check on there later.

Accidentally : I've found an alternative approach (didn't think of it initially) : just manually export them using a report - this also generates an XML...



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