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Database sizes and network traffic estimation for a CAS model

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As part of our companies SCCM 2012 design process, I'm tasked with attaining some network traffic modelling for a CAS design and a single Primary Site design.


10,000 managed devices spread in over 22 locations globally

1x CAS

2x Primary Sites (5,000 devices per site)


What would the estimated size of the databases be and the amount of network traffic (Primary "A" <-> CAS <-> Primary "B").


I've tried Googling for this information and couldn't find definitive numbers or even ball park numbers to do calculations.


Any assistance is much appreciated.

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Since I have already replied to you on the TechNet version of the post. I will recap what is said over there. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/8bc34c7e-1a13-4214-adaf-e13266fb3ed4/database-sizes-and-network-traffic-estimation-for-a-cas-model?forum=configmanagerdeployment


You should not have a CAS for 10,000 computers.

No one can answer the Question of how long replication will take. Only you know your network.

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