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Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the 
cause. To fix the problem:

   1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
   2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next ."
   3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not have this disc please contact your system administrator or computer
manufacturer for assistance.

    File: \Boot\BCD

    Status: 0xc000000f

    Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.


I have tried everything in this forum among many other attempts. Everything was working fine when I had WDS and DHCP running on the same server


But I need them to be separate. I have since disabled the WDS on the DHCP server. Grabbed an extra server we had. Performed a clean install of Server 2008, installed all applicable roles, MDT2010, SCCM 2007, SQL 2008, etc...


And I have everything configured properly. I setup options 66 and 67 on the DHCP server and I get this problem.


I have taken my test pc out of its vlan placed it in the same vlan with my DHCP and WDS servers. Still didn't help


I have checked the logs and didn't see any errors.


Also our network consists of 12 VLANS, over a 1000 computers, and I have to have this working before the Christmas break as I have been tasked out to perform a reinstall on approximately

600 computers.



Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

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5 answers to this question

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update your dp's, sometimes its screwy like that....

check your distmgr.log to ensure packages are delivered correctly....


if they don't

on your DP delete the following:


<drive>\SMSSIG$\SMSPXEIMAGES$\ <failedpackage>.<rev>.tar




for e.g. I would kill.






update your DP and check the package is distributed again

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Everything was working fine when I had WDS and DHCP running on the same server


have you looked at configuring iphelpers on your switches or setting portfast settings on them ?

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Also "jamitupya" recommendation was spot on. For one reason or another it didn't propagate my DP's when I

first updated them. But now I have another problem.

The details below show the information relating to the PXE boot request for this computer. Please provide 
these details is to your Windows Deployment Services Administrator so that this request can be approved.
Pending Request ID: 334

After updating my DP's I now get this issue.

NOTE* This is still with my test computer sitting right next to the PXE server on the same network/VLAN



have you looked at configuring iphelpers on your switches or setting portfast settings on them ?


Well I have helpers set up in my cisco switches for the DHCP server, as a side note right now I am using

DHCP options 66 and 67 not helpers to point the traffic to the PXE server. But I have not looked into

that yet as I can not get a computer working that is in the same vlan/network as the pxe server. So ip helpers

would not cause this as there is no need to route the traffic up the tier to reach the destination.

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