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Everything posted by kevlar01

  1. Try to filter on NT 6.3, perhaps that is a useful alternative?
  2. In that case, you could add the correct registry keys at the end of the task sequence as a workaround. However, this doesn't solve the root cause of the problem, so I'd suggest to keep investigating. What happens if you run ccmeval on the client? Does it repair the agent?
  3. Perhaps your client is stuck in provisioning mode. Can you check the following registry keys on the client: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\CcmExec\ProvisioningMode >>>> value should be false HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\CcmExec\SystemTaskExcludes >>> value should be empty
  4. You could add a 'Run Commandline' Step for every line in the batch file. So first Run Commandline cscript slmgr.vbs /skms, then with /ipk, then with /ato. Because the scripts are in system32, you don't need to go to the specific folder(you can run these commands in any folder). I have done it successfully this way before (however we only used the /ato command)
  5. I am not sure if there is a log file for this... I cannot find anything with a quick google. However, perhaps you can find something in the Eventviewer on the server, or in the IIS logs?
  6. In the content tab of the package, at deployment options, try to set it it to: download content from distribution point and run locally. Also, in what stage of the task sequence does the installation happen? It should run when booted to the default operating system (so not when it is in WinPE mode)
  7. Which version of MDT did you use? Did you also actually use the installer to install MDT too? If not, try installing the MDT add-in on your server first, and then import your MDT boot image.
  8. Try pressing F8 as soon as you see the 'Preparing Network Connections' dialog box. Also, you can try to recreate the boot images. When the system reboots after preparing network connections, can indicate that the machine already exists in SCCM. Try deleting it first.
  9. Yeah it works pretty good! Unfortunately you need to create it for every deployment, it doesn't work on a 'task sequence base'. Anyway, I think that it's a very good solution, especialliy when the computer you are deploying isn't anywhere near you.
  10. Additionally, you can monitor the deployment. I've described how you can do it here: http://it-immensa.blogspot.nl/2014/02/monitoring-deployments-in-sccm-2012-r2.html
  11. Perhaps you can create a script that creates a local account, and adds it to the local administrator group. Alternatively, you could create a pause script after the capture phase, so that you can press F8, and check the logs. Can you check if you can browse to the UNC share when you pressed F8(command prompt)? Can you check if the user has write permissions(share and ntfs) on the destination?
  12. Can you check if the site code is filled in in Configuration Manager (in Control Panel)?
  13. It is not supported: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg682077.aspx#BKMK_UpgradeInfrastructure Configuration Manager supports an in-place upgrade of the operating system of the site server in the following situations: In-place upgrade to a higher Windows Server service pack as long as the resulting service pack level remains supported by Configuration Manager. In-place upgrade from Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2012 R2. Configuration Manager does not support the following Windows Server upgrade scenarios. Any version of Windows Server 2008 to any version of Windows Server 2008 R2 or later. Any version of Windows Server 2008 to any version of Windows Server 2012 or later. Any version of Windows Server 2008 R2 to any version of Windows Server 2012 or later. When a direct operating system upgrade is not supported, perform one of the following procedures after you have installed the new operating system: Install System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with the service pack level that you want, and configure the site according to your requirements. Install System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with the service pack level that you want and perform a site recovery. This scenario requires you to have a site backup that was created by using the Backup Site Server maintenance task on the original Configuration Manager site, and that you use the same installation settings for the new System Center 2012 Configuration Manager site.
  14. Perhaps you can try to include the .NET FW 4 in your image (because it allways will be needed anyway). You could try running a build and capture, and include the package installation of .NET FW 4(if you have it, if not, you could create it). Otherwise, you can try to add it using dism.exe
  15. Often MSI's have a check builtin that it requires to be run from an executable. Sometimes it is possible to override this property. Perhaps you can open the MSI with Orca and try to skim through the properties? Otherwise, try running setup.exe /? to find the appropriate switches. Alternatively, you could search ITNinja.com for documentation about this application.
  16. It indeed isn't neccessary to install it on all clients/servers. However, if you like, you can target the appropriate device collections. In my blog I've described how to determine the client version. http://it-immensa.blogspot.nl/2014/04/howto-install-cumulative-update-1-cu1.html
  17. Do you use a proxy server? If so, check the settings for the Software Update Point, in Administration\Site Configuration\Servers and Site System roles. Then open the tab for Proxy and Account settings in the Software Update Point Properties.
  18. try to add a 'Run Commandline' step. Enter the following in the commandline box: cmd /c slmgr /ato
  19. Do you have a ccmsetup.log? If so, please post this here.
  20. You can run the slmgr.vbs /ato command to activate. It should find your KMS server in DNS automatically, just like Jorgen stated above me.
  21. Note that the hotfix KB2905002 is now superseded by hotfix KB2910552. So I'd install that one!
  22. What happens if you press F8 to open the command prompt, and key in the command manually?
  23. Perhaps you can try to make a mapping first? And change the commandline to Z:\Userexperience\HTA_Countdown_and_progressbar.hta?
  24. Is the computer you are trying to image still in the SCCM database? If so try deleting it first and try again.
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