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How can I Deploy Applications based on AD security group membership for Computers using a Task Sequence


The following guide is based upon a post by Daniel Oxley on The Deployment Guys blog where he showed a MDT Task Sequence which could install applications based on Active Directory queries, I have modified the script provided and created a brand new Task Sequence for System Center Configuration Manager 2007. All you have to do is to import the Task Sequence into ConfigMgr and start dynamically installing applications.


Note: This post is reproduced as a Webcast here.


Ok first of all understand what this does and what you need done in the back-end.


What does this do ?


The task sequence will set some variables, make a call to Active Directory using a user you define within the task sequence, then based upon the results returned will set another variables value to True or False based on whether a COMPUTER is a member of an Active Directory Security Group. It can loop through this many times to install several applications 'on the fly' during an OSD task sequence, the advantage of this is that the Task Sequence becomes dynamic based upon where the COMPUTER is present in AD.


xp2 is a member.jpg


In the above Screenshot, the computer XP2 (amongst others) is a member of the FireFox Users Active Directory Security Group. Therefore if we run the Task Sequence (and thus the script) on that computer it will return a value of True for membership of the FireFox Users Active Directory Security Group and therefore the FireFox application will be installed during the Task Sequence dynamically.





What does it need ?


  • You must have created some Active Directory Security Groups in AD for the applications you are intending to dynamically install and you should add the computer account to these groups, if the computer is not a member of the Active Directory Security Group then the software will not be installed via the task sequence.
  • You must have some applications pre-created in SCCM which can install as part of a normal task sequence.
  • You will need an Active Directory user which we will use to connect to AD to get the info. (I have created a standard user called QueryAd, for security reasons you should only grant this user the appropriate access in Active Directory).
  • You will need full access to AD to add computers to the selected Active Directory Security Group(s) and to verify the Distinguished Names needed for the Task Sequence Steps.
  • You will need MDT 2010 integrated with SCCM and you will need to add the custom script CUSTOM_AppInstall.wsf to the scripts folder contained within the MDT2010Files package.
    custom_appinstall.wsf copied to scripts folder.jpg
    Once you have added the file you must update the Distribution Points for that package.


update dp for mdt2010 files.jpg







Editing the Task Sequence


Ok now that you have what is needed, let's put it into action.


Import the following task sequence into SCCM.


install APPS for COMPUTER via LDAP - multiapp.xml


the task sequence closeup.jpg


Ok let's go through the Task Sequence Step by Step. If you import the Task Sequence above you'll have all this work done for you and you'll just need to edit your application names/distinguished names/package/program location etc, but below is an explanation of how it all works and what it means.




Set DomUser

Here we set the username for the Active Directory User that we will use to connect to AD to verify if the Computer Account is a member of that Active Directory Security Group.


Set DomPassword

Password for the above user. As it's in clear text within the Task Sequence, you will want to set the users permissions accordingly in Active Directory.



Set the Fully Qualified Distinguished Name for the Domain Controller, eg: ad1.server2008.lab.local


Set NetbiosDC

Set the Netbios name of your DC, eg: ad1


Use Toolkit Package

This step is copied from a standard Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Task sequence within SCCM, and as such merely points to the MDTFiles package.



This is just a group name of the application we want installed.



Here we set the Fully Qualified Distinguised Name of the Active Directory Security Group that we want to check in AD. eg: CN=Firefox Users,OU=Applications Group,OU=Inf,DC=server2008,DC=lab,DC=local. To find out how to obtain the Distinguished Name, please read this.


query LDAP

Here we actually call the CUSTOM_AppInstall.wsf script from within the previously downloaded MDTFiles package. It will return two possible values, false or true based on whether or not it can find the computer account in the Active Directory Security Group specified in the ADGROUP step above.


Install FireFox

This is a standard package installer step (Install a single application) which will point to your chosen application package and the program contained within. If no Program appears in the drop down menu then verify that the Program options below are set:


On the Environment tab of the program,


* Program can run: whether or not a user is logged on

* Run Mode: Allow users to interact with the program must be UNCHECKED (not selected).


On the Advanced tab of the program,


* select Allow this program to be installed from the Install Software task sequence without being advertised


Note: Click on the options tab and set it as follows, click on the Add condition drop down menu, select Task Sequence Variable, for Variable name enter InstallAPP for Value set True


This group step will run if the following conditions are met.jpg



Download the following:-


Here is the CUSTOM_AppInstall.wsf file zipped, Unzip and follow the instructions above to use..



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because you want your computer(s) installed with applications dynamically as part of the operating system installation, or your just want a task sequence to dynamically install a list of applications in a set order on computers,

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I wanted to post this for a long time now, but always forgot it. I had to slightly modify the script because there is an design error in the objGroup.GetEx("member") function. THis causes the script to fail if the AD Group is empty. So here is the modfied part which will avoid this problem.





Set objComputer = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

Dim strComputer

strComputer = objComputer.ComputerName

On Error Resume Next

arrMemberOf = objGroup.GetEx("member")

'Loop through group members

If (Err.Number = 0) Then

On Error GoTo 0

For Each strMember In arrMemberOf

If InStr(UCase(strMember), UCase(strComputer)) > 0 Then

'Match found, edit variable and exit

oEnvironment.Item("INSTALLAPP") = True

WScript.Echo "Is a Member: " & strMember & " - " & oEnvironment.Item("INSTALLAPP")


End If



oEnvironment.Item("INSTALLAPP") = False


End If


'No match, just exit



Just by the way. Great Script. Using it for a good while now.

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Quick question regarding this script. Is it possible to search through a nested group and return true or false? Or do you have some tips on how to this could be accomplished. Thanks for this initial script it works great, but i'm running into a road block regarding searching through a nested group.



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Hi great article, I'm just about to set this up, been battling trying to get a TS working that will upgrade existing software if TS finds a previous version already installed, this should do it. Oh and just found the file I needed CUSTOM_AppInstall.wsf



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I tried following this and it seems to find every time the value at false ..

Gravité Type Code du site Date/Heure Système Composant ID de message Description

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:18 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Manager 11171 Le Gestionnaire des séquences de tâches a terminé l'exécution de la séquence de tâches.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:18 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11143 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé une séquence de tâches.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:18 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11127 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé le groupe (Configurer le système d'exploitation).

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:18 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11127 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé le groupe (Installer les logiciels).

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:18 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11127 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé le groupe (settings for fetching AD).

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11127 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé le groupe (LAB).

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (Esobi) dans le groupe (LAB) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (Math app) dans le groupe (LAB) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (Math add-in) dans le groupe (LAB) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (Easyphp) dans le groupe (LAB) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (Firefox) dans le groupe (LAB) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (cs 5.5) dans le groupe (LAB) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (sketchup) dans le groupe (LAB) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (google earth) dans le groupe (LAB) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (chrome) dans le groupe (LAB) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:17 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11134 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé l'action (query LDAP) dans le groupe (LAB) avec code de sortie 0 Sortie de l'action : =======================[ smsswd.exe ] ======================= PackageID = '' BaseVar = '', ContinueOnError='' SwdAction = '0001' Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %* Set command line: Run command line Working dir 'not set' Executing commandline: Run command line.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:16 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11134 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé l'action (Set ADGROUP) dans le groupe (LAB) avec code de sortie 0 Sortie de l'action : Finished with error code 0.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:16 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11124 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a démarré le groupe (LAB).

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:16 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11127 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé le groupe (ADMIN).

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:16 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (Pluripdf) dans le groupe (ADMIN) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:16 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (Pervasive) dans le groupe (ADMIN) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:16 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11130 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a ignoré l'action (Antidote) dans le groupe (ADMIN) car la condition a été évaluée à False.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:16 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11134 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé l'action (query LDAP) dans le groupe (ADMIN) avec code de sortie 0 Sortie de l'action : =======================[ smsswd.exe ] ======================= PackageID = '' BaseVar = '', ContinueOnError='' SwdAction = '0001' Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %* Set command line: Run command line Working dir 'not set' Executing commandline: Run command line Microsoft ® Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright © Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Tous droits r‚serv‚s. Microsoft Deployment Toolkit version: 5.1.1642.01 The task sequencer log is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\SMSTS.LOG. For task sequence failures, please consult this log. User: CN=fetch,CN=Users,DC=academie,DC=ste-therese,DC=com FQDN DC: dc1.academie.ste-therese.com Netbios:dc1 Group: CN=admin_soft,DC=academie,DC=ste-therese,DC=com Property INSTALLAPP is now = Faux.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:13 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11134 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé l'action (Set ADGROUP) dans le groupe (ADMIN) avec code de sortie 0 Sortie de l'action : Finished with error code 0.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:13 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11124 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a démarré le groupe (ADMIN).

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:10:13 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11134 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé l'action (Use Toolkit Package) dans le groupe (settings for fetching AD) avec code de sortie 0 Sortie de l'action : ' Executing command line: Run command line Microsoft ® Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright © Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Tous droits r‚serv‚s. Property LogPath is now = C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog Microsoft Deployment Toolkit version: 5.1.1642.01 The task sequencer log is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\SMSTS.LOG. For task sequence failures, please consult this log. Property Debug is now = FALSE Property ScriptRoot is now = C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\AST00012\Scripts ScriptRoot = C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\AST00012\Scripts Property DeployRoot is now = C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\AST00012 DeployRoot = C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\AST00012 Property ToolRoot is now = C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\AST00012\Tools\X86 ToolRoot = C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\AST00012\Tools\X86 DeployRoot = C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\AST00012 Property ResourceRoot is now = C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\AST00012 ResourceRoot = C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\AST00012.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:09:13 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11134 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé l'action (Set NetbiosDC) dans le groupe (settings for fetching AD) avec code de sortie 0 Sortie de l'action : Finished with error code 0.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:09:13 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11134 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé l'action (Set FQDNDC) dans le groupe (settings for fetching AD) avec code de sortie 0 Sortie de l'action : Finished with error code 0.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:09:13 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11134 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé l'action (Set DomPassword) dans le groupe (settings for fetching AD) avec code de sortie 0 Sortie de l'action : Finished with error code 0.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:09:13 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11134 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé l'action (Set DomUser) dans le groupe (settings for fetching AD) avec code de sortie 0 Sortie de l'action : Finished with error code 0.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:09:13 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11134 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a terminé l'action (Set InstallAPP) dans le groupe (settings for fetching AD) avec code de sortie 0 Sortie de l'action : Finished with error code 0.

Informations Marque AST 2012-04-02 10:09:13 C-ST-LAB5-E02 Task Sequence Engine 11124 Le moteur d'exécution des séquences de tâches a démarré le groupe (settings for fetching AD).

And here is the task sequence I created .. instead of querying the AD for each app, I created 2 folders and I query AD at the beginning of the folder.


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<SmsTaskSequencePackage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


<Category />

<DependentProgram />

<Description />


<Name>Deploy Win7 - custom apps</Name>



<sequence version="3.00">


<reference package="AST0000E" />

<reference package="AST00041" />

<reference package="AST00042" />

<reference package="AST00053" />

<reference package="AST00048" />

<reference package="AST00049" />

<reference package="AST0004B" />

<reference package="AST0004D" />

<reference package="AST0004C" />

<reference package="AST0004E" />

<reference package="AST00050" />

<reference package="AST0004F" />

<reference package="AST00020" />

<reference package="AST00039" program="c++ runtime" />

<reference package="AST00023" program="Office 2010" />

<reference package="AST00037" program="flash" />

<reference package="AST00036" program="java" />

<reference package="AST00038" program="quicktime" />

<reference package="AST00033" program="Lync" />

<reference package="AST00012" />

<reference package="AST00032" program="Antidote" />

<reference package="AST00034" program="Pervasive" />

<reference package="AST00035" program="pluripdf" />

<reference package="AST0003B" program="chrome" />

<reference package="AST0003C" program="google earth" />

<reference package="AST0003D" program="sketchup" />

<reference package="AST0003A" program="cs 5.5" />

<reference package="AST0003E" program="firefox" />

<reference package="AST0003F" program="easyphp" />

<reference package="AST00009" program="math add-in" />

<reference package="AST0000A" program="Maths APP" />

<reference package="AST0000B" program="esobi" />



<variable name="OSDEnableTCPIPFiltering" property="EnableTCPIPFiltering">false</variable>

<variable name="OSDAdapterCount" property="NumAdapters">0</variable>


<group name="Installer le système d'exploitation" description="Actions pour installer et configurer l'image sous Windows PE">

<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_RebootAction" name="Redémarrer dans Windows PE" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">false</variable>

<variable name="Variable">_SMSTSInWinPE</variable>



<action>smsboot.exe /target:WinPE</action>


<variable name="SMSRebootMessage" property="Message">Un nouveau système d'exploitation Microsoft Windows est en cours d'installation. L'ordinateur doit redémarrer avant de continuer.</variable>

<variable name="SMSRebootTimeout" property="MessageTimeout">10</variable>

<variable name="SMSRebootTarget" property="Target" hidden="true">WinPE</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_PartitionDiskAction" name="Partitionner le disque 0" description="Actions pour effectuer la partition et le formatage du nouvel ordinateur" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">notExists</variable>

<variable name="Variable">_SMSTSClientCache</variable>





<variable name="OSDDiskIndex" property="DiskIndex">0</variable>

<variable name="OSDDiskType" property="DiskType">Basic</variable>

<variable name="OSDDiskpartBiosCompatibilityMode" property="DiskpartBiosCompatibilityMode">false</variable>

<variable name="OSDGPTBootDisk" property="GPTBootDisk">false</variable>

<variable name="OSDPartitionStyle" property="PartitionStyle">MBR</variable>

<variable name="OSDPartitions" property="Partitions" hidden="true">1</variable>

<variable name="OSDPartitions0Bootable" property="Partitions0Bootable">true</variable>

<variable name="OSDPartitions0FileSystem" property="Partitions0FileSystem">NTFS</variable>

<variable name="OSDPartitions0QuickFormat" property="Partitions0QuickFormat">true</variable>

<variable name="OSDPartitions0Size" property="Partitions0Size">100</variable>

<variable name="OSDPartitions0SizeUnits" property="Partitions0SizeUnits">PERCENT</variable>

<variable name="OSDPartitions0Type" property="Partitions0Type">PRIMARY</variable>

<variable name="OSDPartitions0VolumeLetterVariable" property="Partitions0VolumeLetterVariable">


<variable name="OSDPartitions0VolumeName" property="Partitions0VolumeName">Par défaut</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyOperatingSystemAction" name="Appliquer le système d'exploitation" description="Actions pour appliquer le système d'exploitation" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>OSDApplyOS.exe /image:AST0000E,%OSDImageIndex%</action>


<variable name="OSDImageIndex" property="ImageIndex">1</variable>

<variable name="ImagePackageID" property="ImagePackageID" hidden="true">AST0000E</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" name="Appliquer les paramètres Windows" description="Actions pour appliquer les paramètres Windows" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osdwinsettings.exe /config</action>


<variable name="OSDLocalAdminPassword" property="AdminPassword">


<variable name="OSDComputerName" property="ComputerName">%_SMSTSMachineName%</variable>

<variable name="OSDProductKey" property="ProductKey">


<variable name="OSDRandomAdminPassword" property="RandomAdminPassword">false</variable>

<variable name="OSDRegisteredOrgName" property="RegisteredOrgName">SCCM</variable>

<variable name="OSDRegisteredUserName" property="RegisteredUserName">Administrateur</variable>

<variable name="OSDServerLicenseConnectionLimit" property="ServerLicenseConnectionLimit">5</variable>

<variable name="OSDTimeZone" property="TimeZone">Eastern Standard Time</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyNetworkSettingsAction" name="Appliquer les paramètres réseau" description="Actions pour configurer les paramètres réseau" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>osdnetsettings.exe configure</action>


<variable name="OSDDomainName" property="DomainName">academie.ste-therese.com</variable>

<variable name="OSDDomainOUName" property="DomainOUName">LDAP://OU=Ordinateurs,OU=ST,DC=academie,DC=ste-therese,DC=com</variable>

<variable name="OSDJoinPassword" property="DomainPassword">


<variable name="OSDJoinAccount" property="DomainUsername">academie\administrateur</variable>

<variable name="OSDEnableTCPIPFiltering" property="EnableTCPIPFiltering" hidden="true">false</variable>

<variable name="OSDNetworkJoinType" property="NetworkJoinType">0</variable>

<variable name="OSDAdapterCount" property="NumAdapters" hidden="true">0</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_AutoApplyAction" name="Appliquer les pilotes de périphériques" description="" disable="true" continueOnError="true" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">notEquals</variable>

<variable name="Value">FullMedia</variable>

<variable name="Variable">_SMSTSMediaType</variable>



<action>osddriverclient.exe /auto /bestmatch:%OSDAutoApplyDriverBestMatch% /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDAutoApplyDriverBestMatch" property="BestMatch">false</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">true</variable>



<group name="DRIVERS" description="">

<group name="m81 drivers" description="">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_WMIConditionExpression">

<variable name="Namespace">root\cimv2</variable>

<variable name="Query">SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "5032A63"</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST00041 /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST00041</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST00042 /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST00042</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>




<group name="m90z" description="">


<operator type="or">

<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_WMIConditionExpression">

<variable name="Namespace">root\cimv2</variable>

<variable name="Query">SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "0870A4F"</variable>


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_WMIConditionExpression">

<variable name="Namespace">root\cimv2</variable>

<variable name="Query">SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "0800A2F"</variable>




<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST00053 /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST00053</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST00048 /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST00048</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST00049 /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST00049</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>




<group name="m55-57" description="">


<operator type="or">

<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_WMIConditionExpression">

<variable name="Namespace">root\cimv2</variable>

<variable name="Query">SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "6073A2F"</variable>


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_WMIConditionExpression">

<variable name="Namespace">root\cimv2</variable>

<variable name="Query">SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "6072ASF"</variable>


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_WMIConditionExpression">

<variable name="Namespace">root\cimv2</variable>

<variable name="Query">SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "8808HBU"</variable>


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_WMIConditionExpression">

<variable name="Namespace">root\cimv2</variable>

<variable name="Query">SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "8808RW8"</variable>




<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST0004B /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST0004B</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST0004D /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST0004D</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST0004C /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST0004C</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>




<group name="m58p" description="">


<operator type="or">

<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_WMIConditionExpression">

<variable name="Namespace">root\cimv2</variable>

<variable name="Query">SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "9964A1F"</variable>


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_WMIConditionExpression">

<variable name="Namespace">root\cimv2</variable>

<variable name="Query">SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "M9964A1F"</variable>




<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST0004E /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST0004E</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST00050 /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST00050</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction" name="Appliquer le package de pilotes" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">

<action>osddriverclient.exe /install:AST0004F /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%</action>


<variable name="OSDApplyDriverDriverPackageID" property="DriverPackageID" hidden="true">AST0004F</variable>

<variable name="OSDAllowUnsignedDriver" property="UnsignedDriver">false</variable>






<group name="Configurer le système d'exploitation" description="Configurer le système d'exploitation">

<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_SetupWindowsAndSMSAction" name="Configurer Windows et ConfigMgr" description="Actions pour configurer Windows et le client ConfigMgr" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">



<variable name="SMSClientInstallProperties" property="ClientInstallProperties">SMSCACHESIZE=8000 FSP=sccm.academie.ste-therese.com SMSSLP=sccm.academie.ste-therese.com SMSMP=sccm.academie.ste-therese.com</variable>

<variable name="_SMSClientPackageID" property="ClientPackageID">AST00020</variable>



<group name="Installer mises à jour" description="" disable="true">

<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallUpdateAction" name="Installer les mises à jour logicielles" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>TSInstallSWUpdate.exe /target:%SMSInstallUpdateTarget%</action>


<variable name="SMSInstallUpdateTarget" property="Target">All</variable>




<group name="Installer les logiciels" description="Actions pour personnaliser le nouveau système d'exploitation">

<group name="ALL" description="">

<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="c++" description="Nécessaire pour installer Antidote." continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST00039 /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00039</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">c++ runtime</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Office 2010" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST00023 /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00023</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">Office 2010</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Flash" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST00037 /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00037</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">flash</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Java" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST00036 /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00036</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">java</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="QT" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST00038 /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00038</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">quicktime</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Lync" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST00033 /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00033</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">Lync</variable>




<group name="settings for fetching AD" description="">

<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_SetVariableAction" name="Set InstallAPP" description="Setting this to False makes sure that an application is not installed." runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>tsenv.exe "InstallAPP="</action>


<variable name="VariableName" property="VariableName" hidden="true">InstallAPP</variable>

<variable name="VariableValue" property="VariableValue" hidden="true">




<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_SetVariableAction" name="Set DomUser" description="The user we specify here is the user that we will be verifying Security Group membership of in AD." runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>tsenv.exe "DomUser=CN=fetch,CN=Users,DC=academie,DC=ste-therese,DC=com"</action>


<variable name="VariableName" property="VariableName" hidden="true">DomUser</variable>

<variable name="VariableValue" property="VariableValue" hidden="true">CN=fetch,CN=Users,DC=academie,DC=ste-therese,DC=com</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_SetVariableAction" name="Set DomPassword" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>tsenv.exe "DomPassword=123456"</action>


<variable name="VariableName" property="VariableName" hidden="true">DomPassword</variable>

<variable name="VariableValue" property="VariableValue" hidden="true">123456</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_SetVariableAction" name="Set FQDNDC" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>tsenv.exe "FQDNDC=dc1.academie.ste-therese.com"</action>


<variable name="VariableName" property="VariableName" hidden="true">FQDNDC</variable>

<variable name="VariableValue" property="VariableValue" hidden="true">dc1.academie.ste-therese.com</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_SetVariableAction" name="Set NetbiosDC" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>tsenv.exe "NetbiosDC=dc1"</action>


<variable name="VariableName" property="VariableName" hidden="true">NetbiosDC</variable>

<variable name="VariableValue" property="VariableValue" hidden="true">dc1</variable>



<step type="BDD_UsePackage" name="Use Toolkit Package" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>smsswd.exe /run:AST00012 cscript.exe Scripts\ZTISCCM.wsf</action>


<variable name="BDDPackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00012</variable>



<group name="ADMIN" description="">

<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_SetVariableAction" name="Set ADGROUP" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>tsenv.exe "ADGROUP=CN=admin_soft,DC=academie,DC=ste-therese,DC=com"</action>


<variable name="VariableName" property="VariableName" hidden="true">ADGROUP</variable>

<variable name="VariableValue" property="VariableValue" hidden="true">CN=admin_soft,DC=academie,DC=ste-therese,DC=com</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" name="query LDAP" description="%scriptroot%\" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0 3010">

<action>smsswd.exe /run: cscript.exe %scriptroot%\custom_appinstall.wsf</action>


<variable name="CommandLine" property="CommandLine" hidden="true">cscript.exe %scriptroot%\custom_appinstall.wsf</variable>

<variable name="SMSTSDisableWow64Redirection" property="DisableWow64Redirection">false</variable>

<variable name="_SMSTSRunCommandLineAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>

<variable name="SuccessCodes" property="SuccessCodes" hidden="true">0 3010</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Antidote" description="if InstallAPP=True then run this step (see options)" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">True</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST00032 /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00032</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">Antidote</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Pervasive" description="if InstallAPP=True then run this step (see options)" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">True</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST00034 /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00034</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">Pervasive</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Pluripdf" description="if InstallAPP=True then run this step (see options)" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">True</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST00035 /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00035</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">pluripdf</variable>




<group name="LAB" description="">

<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_SetVariableAction" name="Set ADGROUP" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>tsenv.exe "ADGROUP=CN=lab_soft,DC=academie,DC=ste-therese,DC=com"</action>


<variable name="VariableName" property="VariableName" hidden="true">ADGROUP</variable>

<variable name="VariableValue" property="VariableValue" hidden="true">CN=lab_soft,DC=academie,DC=ste-therese,DC=com</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" name="query LDAP" description="%scriptroot%\" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0 3010">

<action>smsswd.exe /run: cscript.exe %scriptroot%\custom_appinstall.wsf</action>


<variable name="CommandLine" property="CommandLine" hidden="true">cscript.exe %scriptroot%\custom_appinstall.wsf</variable>

<variable name="SMSTSDisableWow64Redirection" property="DisableWow64Redirection">false</variable>

<variable name="_SMSTSRunCommandLineAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>

<variable name="SuccessCodes" property="SuccessCodes" hidden="true">0 3010</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="chrome" description="" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">TRUE</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST0003B /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST0003B</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">chrome</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="google earth" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">TRUE</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST0003C /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST0003C</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">google earth</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="sketchup" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">TRUE</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST0003D /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST0003D</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">sketchup</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="cs 5.5" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">TRUE</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST0003A /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST0003A</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">cs 5.5</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Firefox" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">TRUE</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST0003E /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST0003E</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">firefox</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Easyphp" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">TRUE</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST0003F /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST0003F</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">easyphp</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Math add-in" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">TRUE</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST00009 /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST00009</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">math add-in</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Math app" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">TRUE</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST0000A /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST0000A</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">Maths APP</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction" name="Esobi" description="" continueOnError="true" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">


<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">

<variable name="Operator">equals</variable>

<variable name="Value">TRUE</variable>

<variable name="Variable">InstallAPP</variable>



<action>smsswd.exe /pkg:AST0000B /install /basevar: /continueOnError:</action>


<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID" hidden="true">AST0000B</variable>

<variable name="_SMSSWDProgramName" property="ProgramName">esobi</variable>










<SupportedOperatingSystems />




Can you please help me ?


thanks ...

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Do you need to use MDT Toolkit to run wsf scritpts???


I have just packages the files for Custom_AppInstall.wsf and ZTIUtility.vbs

Are they the only files i need to run this script during a OSD task sequence???


Also will this work on sccm 12???

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you don't need a MDT task sequence but you do need those scripts yes,

I havnt tested it in Configuration Manager 2012 yet but I think it'll work

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