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  1. Check this https://www.scconfigmgr.com/2016/03/28/assess-your-environment-for-windows-10-with-configmgr-upgrade-assessment-tool/
  2. 64Bit OS got two version of reg.exe, this WMI query and change the value of %reg% between %windir%\system32 or r%\syswow64 according to the OS version. BTW, this will work only in the TS and not in simple batch file. c:\windows\system32\reg.exe or c:\windows\syswow64\reg.exe #--------------------------------------- if %AddressWidth%==64 ( echo "64 bit ENV" Set ENV=%windir%\syswow64 ) else ( echo "32 bit ENV" set ENV=%windir%\system32 ) FOR /F "tokens=2* delims=E" %%A IN ('WMIC ComputerSystem GET Model /Value') DO %ENV%\REG.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion /f /v Model /t REG_SZ /d %%A
  3. the client always run in 32Bit, this will solve the issue if %AddressWidth%==64 ( echo "64 bit ENV" Set ENV=%windir%\syswow64 ) else ( echo "32 bit ENV" set ENV=%windir%\system32 ) %ENV%\reg import "%~dp0PS_Bypass.reg"
  4. The PE cannot access you hard drive: 1. Missing storage driver in the PE 2. the disk an acceptable (no parturition or Encrypted partition )
  5. This script will take the IdentifyingNumber from the WMI and will change the TS value according to the Service Tag (IdentifyingNumber). Read how to pace it in the Task sequence . #=========== $Progress.CloseProgressDialog() $TSEnv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment $tag = gwmi win32_computersystemproduct | select -ExpandProperty IdentifyingNumber if ($Tag -like '*XX*') {$TSEnv.Value("OSDDomainOUName")='LDAP://OU=XXXXXX,DC=ecitele,DC=com'} elseif ($Tag -like '*YY*') {$TSEnv.Value("OSDDomainOUName")='LDAP://OU=YYYYY,DC=ecitele,DC=com'} #===============
  6. you need a script the will change the "OSDDomainOUName" variable according to the computer name, I will find the time and modify my script according to your needed
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