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Jepeto 46

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Jepeto 46 last won the day on July 2 2019

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About Jepeto 46

  • Birthday 07/13/1957

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    Phoenix, AZ.
  • Interests
    Hiking, Camping, National Parks.

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  1. Anyone tried to determine hardware UEFI capability with SCCM? I am trying to find out if a machine is UEFI capable, cant fine any way to do it at this point.
  2. Solved by scripting, still wondering why $OEM$ is not working
  3. Building the reference Image with MDT Looking to permanently customize corp wallpaper and lock screen in the reference image. I found a lot of scripts and methods to do so, however I was hoping that using the MDT $OEM$ folder will do the trick for me but it does not. Any advice on the topic? My $OEM$ folder is set this way: \$OEM$\$1\Windows\web\4K\Wallpaper\Windows all images replace with my company's as well as the Img0
  4. Have you tried to create a test collection and deploy the agent by first uninstalling the existing client? exemgr.log for packages, AppEnforce.log for applications
  5. I do not think you are taking the right options here. what is your SCCM version? and have you tried to take care of it with a task sequence?
  6. Jepeto 46

    Members Photos

    I prefer the old Niali look LOL. Garth is right, no chance beating Lia, but anyway... Gettin gold but no plans to retire anytime soon due to SCCMiatis AKA SCCM addiction, travel by foot die hard. Will hike and deploy anything I can. Cheers to a great site!!
  7. I assume you mean MDT and not MDT integrated into SCCM? would start with adding a line to pause the task sequence. this will allow you to open a command prompt and try run int manually to capture any errors What does your BDD LOG say? any entries in there?
  8. Set up an ADR and get different deadlines in the reporting node within the console as well as the SSRS reports. Is this due to the randomizes client deadlins?
  9. Were the client agent upgraded as well? What was the previous client version? any logs you can attach from malfunctioning clients, like CCMExec, appenforcments etc?
  10. Where do you see reboot enforced on CM client update? Just remember, non rebooted computer is non updated computer, so you can do this with a task sequence or dedicated up and set a reboot per your own schedule. You can also use the startup script By Jason Sandy to make sure your clients are up to date and functioning https://github.com/jason4tw/ConfigMgrScripts/tree/master/Startup
  11. Thanks again. I found out that "ignoring" the UI and using PowerShell is a much more clear and efficient option...
  12. Have you check the Microsoft docs? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/usmt/usmt-what-does-usmt-migrate IE is a part of the User data (MigUser.xml) so this is where your IE settings would be. Have you tried and something failed?
  13. Need the whole log. would first try to eliminate the -Flight steps. search for "error 0xC1900204" brings quite a few results on the WEB, one of them might be yours.
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