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Everything posted by GarthMJ

  1. GarthMJ

    Report after ADR

    For both of these, I would use SSRS to create a report and email it to you. This would be the most efficient way to do this.
  2. It will work but there are a few issue with using security groups for a PC. The PC needs to reboot to get the update security token A full AD discovery need to run. Also I have found that the way to write the collection will have an effect on the way the deployment work. This WQL query will work: select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID, SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType, SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name, SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier, SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SystemGroupName = "GARTEK\\Visio 2007 PC"
  3. Yes, protect the DP. You should do that for all remote DP, otherwise, clients will randomly pick a DP form anywhere on the network. HQ clients might pick a regional DP and visa versa. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/bb892788.aspx
  4. Assuming that you have protect the DP, the 50 clients will pull the SU from the protected DP. Aka you will use 100mb over the WAN.
  5. They talk to your MP, which is very little traffic and default client will do this once an hour anyways. If you are talking about the SUP, then it too is fairly small traffic after the initial download of the wsus catalog.
  6. This is a problem with Chrome not WMI. The only way to determine if Chrome is installed is you use a custom detection script and use DCM.
  7. I’m not sure what you mean by the above. Yes you can use a DP to download SU’s (or Forefront defs) themselves (not the detection details, just the SU themselves)
  8. Mapped drives are a user setting not a PC setting. This means that it is not a simple mof edit to inventory them. Download the MOF (datashift) scripts to inventory user mapped drives http://learn.flexerasoftware.com/content/AR-TOOLS-AppPortal-SCCM-Inventory-Management
  9. How many sites do you have? Are the site setting exact the same on all sites?
  10. MS could make a 1 million reports and still there would be reports missing. That is why you have the option to create the report that you want.
  11. Remember that CM07/CM12 is not a real time product and there is it will be best effort only. And the result of the report will vary based on how to have you Hardware and Heartbeat discovery setup. Try this: http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2012/12/07/last-logon-user.aspx
  12. Try the built-in report called Computers with a specific product
  13. I'm not sure but the wakeup timer might interface with the motherboard wakeup timer. Personally I would test this, keep in mind that it might work on some PC and not others. I think it always works with PCs that are asleep or hibernating. Also keep in mind that OOB can be used to wake up PCs too on top of WOL. As for shut down this is just normal Power management stuff. The try with CM07/CM12 is that you can set different policy on each collections. Here is what you can set. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/ff977084.aspx
  14. On a collection you can set the wake up time. Also using the power management option it will shut down a computer after a period of inactivity. So why wouldn’t you use CM12 power management option?
  15. Why no use the CM12 power management option to do this?
  16. Ok, I will bite, why do you think that removing old package will affect live packages? All I do is once I determine a package is no longer needed. I remove all adverts, remove it from all DPs (not necessary but I like to do this step), delete the package.
  17. GarthMJ

    big report

    You are getting access denied because you are querying the tables instead of the views, by default none of the reporting options within CM07 or CM12 have permissions to any of the table data. BTW, It is bad form to query the tables directly and can lead to table locking issue on a busy site.
  18. This should get you started. http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2009/04/22/using-datediff-amp-getdate-in-wql.aspx
  19. The same isses exist within CM12 too. Again there is a way to ensure that all values are displied.
  20. Have you tried this. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb632403.aspx
  21. GarthMJ

    big report

    The query above works.... So Fr0zen, how to what?
  22. I’m sure that you can do this the question is how do you determine that a PC is newly deployed? Any of the ideas that I have will NOT guarantee that all PCs have are brand newly images but they will be new to CM07/CM12 BTW why not install them as part of your Task Sequence?
  23. GarthMJ

    Report after ADR

    What ultimately are you trying to get out of this? What SU have been applied to each WS? OR what SU have been deployed?
  24. GarthMJ

    Report after ADR

    Have you looked at the Alerting feature within CM12, yet?
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