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  1. Will assume Windows 10 Professional, okay...? The BIOS OEM Windows 10 (or other OS) embedded license will automatically activate an OEM or Retail version of the same OS on that computer when installed. You can deploy Windows 10 Retail from MDT and after it installs and reboots, the OS will check the BIOS for the key and retrieve activation authorization from the Microsoft license servers. I am currently doing this type of deployment for a couple clients and it's working well. This also works for computers that have been "upgraded" to Windows 10 from another OS. As long as the BIOS contains the embedded license for the upgraded OS (like Windows 8 ) it will work. If the computer was not "upgraded", it will not activate when you install Windows 10 on it. Then there is something else called Windows reimaging rights... (link) but that's another long discussion and likely not needed for your deployment scenario. The key to making it work is you HAVE to match the OS version that was installed. If you had Windows 10 Home Installed, then you have to deploy that OS version. If you had Windows 10 Professional installed, that is the OS you have to deploy. You can usually get recovery media, that you can import into MDT from the manufacturer's support site, or from other "sources" on the internet. Note: The Windows Media Creation Tool from Microsoft doesn't contain an Install.WIM file, it has an Install.ESD instead which cannot be imported into MDT. You would need to convert the ESD to a WIM first. (recommend no compression if converting...) Hope this helps you out.
  2. baffee, If you are seeing this when booted into WinPE, and not running the task sequence from within Windows 10 1809 OS, the issue is likely the WIM file being used by MDT to build the WinPE boot WIM being pushed out by your WDS server. By default MDT will use the WIM from the most up-to-date OS installed. In your case, that will be Windows 10 1809. This can cause unintended issues, as you've just experienced. To fix the issue, you will need to make sure you have the 1803 ADK installed and make a change to MDT and do a full Deployment Share Update. Change is detailed here: http://stonywall.com/2016/11/14/mdt-2013-update-2-not-using-adk-for-winpe-boot/ After updating the Deployment Share, don't forget to replace your WDS boot WIM with the newly created one in <MDT Install Folder>\<DeploymentShareName>\boot\ (e.g. D :\DeploymentShare\Boot\ ) Hope this helps you out.
  3. I have modified the script a lot to make it more modular and incorporated enhancements and fixes for MDT 2013 8456. It's currently setup for Windows 10 Enterprise x64 Evaluation. Just comment the line and uncomment the other for the Windows 10 Enterprise x64 VLK edition. This script has been updated to automatically install the ADK WinPE addon, since it was removed from the ADK main installer. Hope you like it. MDT_Deploy.zip
  4. Had a few issues due to code changes in the re-release of MDT 2013 Update 1, along with some updates to the driver files. I have attached my modified code. Hopefully it help someone. # *************************************************************************** # # This Script: Niall Brady - http://www.windows-noob.com # - August 24 2015. # # This script is customized for deploying Windows 10 Enterprise x64 # to the Microsoft Surface Pro 3. It does this by configuring # this server with Windows ADK 10, MDT 2013 Update 1 with Surface Pro 3 # drivers, updates the deployment share and populates WDS # with the MDT boot images before starting WDS. # # All you have to do is run the script, and once complete # PXE the Surface Pro 3 and enjoy the result ! # # This script contains code from other peoples fine # work including:- # # Nickolaj Andersen - http://www.scconfigmgr.com # Chris Steding - http://www.compit.se # Brandon Linton - http://blogs.technet.com/b/brandonlinton/ # Trevor Sullivan - http://trevorsullivan.net/ # # Do yourself a favor and checkout their websites. # # Setup your folder structure like so or change $SourcePath to your desire # # D:\Source # D:\Source\Drivers # D:\Source\Operating Systems\Windows 10 Enterprise x64 # D:\Source\Applications\Core Applications # D:\Source\Applications\Drivers # D:\Source\Applications\Optional # D:\Source\Applications\Reference Applications # # # Usage: Copy the script to the server D:\ # Copy your source files to the folder structure above # If you have already downloaded the Surface Pro 3 drivers, ADK & MDT, copy the files to D:\Source # If the files do not exist in the folder D:\Source the script will download them for you. # Edit the variables in the script below to meet your needs and enjoy. # # ************************************************************************** # This scripts needs unrestricted access # # clear Write-Host "This scripts needs unrestricted access (Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted.) " -nonewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "The setup takes around 30 minutes depending on your internet speed." -nonewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "At the end of the process, if there are any errors they will be shown in red text, review them to see what failed." -ForegroundColor Green # # Download the setup files if needed # Below you can set the sourcepath variable to whatever drive\folder you want. # # $DriverReleaseDate = "150818_1" $DriverReleaseURL = "http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/0/7/2073C22F-2F31-4F4A-8059-E54C91C564A9/SurfacePro3_Win10_150818_1.zip" $SourcePath = "D:\Source" # These 2 lines with help from Trevor ! $ADKPath = '{0}\Windows Kits\10\ADK' -f $SourcePath; $ArgumentList1 = '/layout "{0}" /quiet' -f $ADKPath; # Check if the folder exists, if not, create it if (Test-Path $SourcePath){ Write-Host "The folder $SourcePath exists." } else{ Write-Host "The folder $SourcePath does not exist, creating..." -NoNewline New-Item $SourcePath -type directory | Out-Null Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green } # Check if these files exists, if not, download them $file1 = $SourcePath+"\adksetup.exe" $file2 = $SourcePath+"\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit2013_x64.msi" $file3 = $SourcePath+"\Surface Ethernet Adapter.zip" $file4 = $SourcePath+"\SurfacePro3_Win10_$DriverReleaseDate.zip" #$file5 = $SourcePath+"\SurfacePro3PenDriverOct62014.zip" if (Test-Path $file1){ write-host "The file $file1 exists." } else { # Download Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK 10) Write-Host "Downloading Adksetup.exe " -nonewline $clnt = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $url = "http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/1/9/8197FEB9-FABE-48FD-A537-7D8709586715/adk/adksetup.exe" $clnt.DownloadFile($url,$file1) Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green } if (Test-Path $ADKPath){ Write-Host "The folder $ADKPath exists." } else{ Write-Host "Downloading Windows ADK 10 which is approx 3GB in size, please wait..." -nonewline Start-Process -FilePath "$SourcePath\adksetup.exe" -Wait -ArgumentList $ArgumentList1 Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green } if (Test-Path $file2){ write-host "The file $file2 exists." } else { # Download Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 1 Write-Host "Downloading Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 1.." -nonewline $clnt = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $url = "http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/D/E/0DE81822-D03F-4075-93B6-DDEAA0E095F7/install/MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit2013_x64.msi" $clnt.DownloadFile($url,$file2) Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green } if (Test-Path $file3){ write-host "The file $file3 exists." } else { # Download Surface Pro 3 Ethernet drivers Write-Host "Downloading Surface Pro 3 Ethernet drivers.." -nonewline $clnt = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $url = "http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/0/7/2073C22F-2F31-4F4A-8059-E54C91C564A9/Surface Ethernet Adapter.zip" $clnt.DownloadFile($url,$file3) Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green } # unzip the file Write-Host "unzipping $file3 " -nonewline $shell_app = new-object -com shell.application $zip_file = $shell_app.namespace($file3) if (Test-Path "$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3\Surface100mbEthernetAdapter") { $destination = $shell_app.namespace("$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3\Surface100mbEthernetAdapter") } else { mkdir "$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3\Surface100mbEthernetAdapter" ; $destination = $shell_app.namespace("$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3\Surface100mbEthernetAdapter")} $destination.Copyhere($zip_file.items(), 0x14) Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green if (Test-Path $file4){ write-host "The file $file4 exists." } else { # Download Microsoft Surface Pro 3 drivers Write-Host "Downloading Surface Pro 3 $DriverReleaseDate drivers.." -nonewline $clnt = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $url = $DriverReleaseURL $clnt.DownloadFile($url,$file4) Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green } # unzip the drivers file Write-Host "unzipping $file4 " -nonewline $shell_app = new-object -com shell.application $zip_file = $shell_app.namespace($file4) if (Test-Path "$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3") { $destination = $shell_app.namespace("$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3") } else { mkdir "$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3" ; $destination = $shell_app.namespace("$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3")} $destination.Copyhere($zip_file.items(), 0x14) Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green # if (Test-Path $file5){ # write-host "The file $file5 exists." # } else { # Download Surface Pro 3 Pen drivers (depreciated) # Write-Host "Downloading Surface Pro 3 pen drivers.." -nonewline # $clnt = New-Object System.Net.WebClient # $url = "http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/0/7/2073C22F-2F31-4F4A-8059-E54C91C564A9/SurfacePro3PenDriverOct62014.zip" # $clnt.DownloadFile($url,$file5) # Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green # } # unzip the file # Write-Host "unzipping $file5 " -nonewline # $shell_app = new-object -com shell.application # $zip_file = $shell_app.namespace($file5) # # if (Test-Path "$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3") { $destination = $shell_app.namespace("$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3") } else { mkdir "$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3" ; $destination = $shell_app.namespace("$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3")} # $destination.Copyhere($zip_file.items(), 0x14) # Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green # This installs the Feature .NET Framework Write-Host "Installing .NET " -nonewline Import-Module ServerManager Add-WindowsFeature as-net-framework Start-Sleep -s 10 # This installs Windows Deployment Service Write-Host "Installing Windows Deployment Services" -nonewline Import-Module ServerManager Install-WindowsFeature -Name WDS -IncludeManagementTools Start-Sleep -s 10 # Install ADK Deployment Tools, Windows Preinstallation Enviroment Write-Host "Installing Windows ADK 10" -nonewline Start-Process -FilePath "$ADKPath\adksetup.exe" -Wait -ArgumentList " /Features OptionId.DeploymentTools OptionId.WindowsPreinstallationEnvironment OptionId.ImagingAndConfigurationDesigner OptionId.UserStateMigrationTool /norestart /quiet /ceip off" Start-Sleep -s 20 # Install Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path msiexec /qb /i "$SourcePath\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit2013_x64.msi" | Out-Null Start-Sleep -s 10 # Configure MDT 2013 Update 1 # *************************************************************************** # Author: Brandon Linton # # Purpose: This PowerShell script will execute all tasks to create a working # MDT Deployment Share Including: # Create Folder for share # Share MDT Deployment Folder # Creates an example folder structure and selection profiles. # Note that there should be no one actively adding items to the # deployment share while running this script, as some of the # operations performed could cause duplicated or lost items. # Usage: Copy this file to an appropriate location. Edit the constant # variables below to meet your needs and enjoy. # ------------- DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------- # This script code is provided as is with no guarantee or warranty concerning # the usability or impact on systems. # ------------- DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------- # # ************************************************************************** # Initialize Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Constants #$Computer = get-content env:computername $Computer = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName(($env:computerName)).HostName $FolderPath = "D:\DeploymentShare" $TSFolder1 = "001" $ShareName = "DeploymentShare$" $NetPath = "\\$Computer\DeploymentShare$" $MDTDescription = "MDT Deployment Share" $OStoDeploy = "Windows 10 Enterprise x64" $OStoDeployShortName = "Windows 10" $TaskSequenceFolderName1 = "Production" $TaskSequenceFolderName2 = "Test" $TaskSequenceFolderName3 = "Server Deployments" $TaskSequenceFolderName4 = "Application Installation Only" # Make MDT Directory if (Test-Path "$FolderPath"){ write-host "'$FolderPath' already exists, will not recreate it." } else { mkdir "$FolderPath" } # Create MDT Shared Folder $Type = 0 $objWMI = [wmiClass] 'Win32_share' $objWMI.create($FolderPath, $ShareName, $Type) # Create PS Drive for MDT new-PSDrive -Name "DS001" -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root "$FolderPath" -Description "$MDTDescription" -NetworkPath "$NetPath" -Verbose | add-MDTPersistentDrive -Verbose # Create OS Folders new-item -path "DS001:\Operating Systems" -enable "True" -Name $OStoDeployShortName -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose # Create Driver Folders new-item -path "DS001:\Out-of-Box Drivers" -enable "True" -Name "WinPE x64" -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Out-of-Box Drivers" -enable "True" -Name $OStoDeployShortName -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Out-of-Box Drivers\$OStoDeployShortName" -enable "True" -Name "Microsoft Corporation" -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Out-of-Box Drivers\$OStoDeployShortName\Microsoft Corporation" -enable "True" -Name "Surface Pro 3" -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose # Create Packages Folders new-item -path "DS001:\Packages" -enable "True" -Name "Language Packs" -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Packages" -enable "True" -Name "MSU" -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose # Create Task Sequence Folders new-item -path "DS001:\Task Sequences" -enable "True" -Name $TaskSequenceFolderName1 -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Task Sequences" -enable "True" -Name $TaskSequenceFolderName2 -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Task Sequences" -enable "False" -Name $TaskSequenceFolderName3 -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Task Sequences" -enable "True" -Name $TaskSequenceFolderName4 -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose # Create Application Folders new-item -path "DS001:\Applications" -enable "True" -Name "Applications" -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Applications" -enable "True" -Name "Bundled Applications" -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Applications" -enable "True" -Name "Drivers" -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Applications" -enable "True" -Name "OS Updates" -Comments "" -ItemType "folder" -Verbose # Create Selection Profiles new-item -path "DS001:\Selection Profiles" -enable "True" -Name "Surface Pro 3" -Comments "" -Definition "<SelectionProfile><Include path=`"Out-of-Box Drivers\$OStoDeployShortName\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3`" /></SelectionProfile>" -ReadOnly "False" -Verbose new-item -path "DS001:\Selection Profiles" -enable "True" -Name "WinPE x64" -Comments "" -Definition "<SelectionProfile><Include path=`"Out-of-Box Drivers\WinPE x64`" /></SelectionProfile>" -ReadOnly "False" -Verbose # Import Operating System Source Files import-mdtoperatingsystem -path "DS001:\Operating Systems\$OStoDeployShortName" -SourcePath "$SourcePath\Operating Systems\$OStoDeploy" -DestinationFolder "$OStoDeploy" -Verbose # Import MSU # import-mdtpackage -path "DS001:\Packages\MSU" -SourcePath "$SourcePath\MSU" -Verbose # Import Applications # Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\bin\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit.psd1" # import-MDTApplication -path "DS001:\Applications\Core Applications" -enable "True" -Name "Office 365 Pro Plus x86" -ShortName "Office 365 Pro Plus" -Version "x86" -Publisher "" -Language "" -CommandLine "Setup.EXE /configure Install_Production.xml" -WorkingDirectory ".\Applications\Office 365 Pro Plus x86" -ApplicationSourcePath "D:\Source\Applications\Core Applications\Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus x86" -DestinationFolder "Office 365 Pro Plus x86" -Verbose # Import Drivers import-mdtdriver -path "DS001:\Out-of-Box Drivers\$OStoDeployShortName\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3" -sourcePath "$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3" -Verbose #import Network drivers into WinPE x64 import-mdtdriver -path "DS001:\Out-of-Box Drivers\WinPE x64" -SourcePath "$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3\SurfacePro3_Win10_150818_1\Drivers\Network\SurfaceGigabitEthernetAdapter" -Verbose import-mdtdriver -path "DS001:\Out-of-Box Drivers\WinPE x64" -SourcePath "$SourcePath\Drivers\Microsoft Corporation\Surface Pro 3\Surface100mbEthernetAdapter" -Verbose # Create Task Sequence import-mdttasksequence -path "DS001:\Task Sequences\Production" -Name "Surface Pro 3 - $OStoDeploy" -Template "Client.xml" -Comments "" -ID "$TSFolder1" -Version "1.0" -OperatingSystemPath "DS001:\Operating Systems\$OSToDeployShortName\Windows 10 Enterprise in Windows 10 Enterprise x64 install.wim" -FullName "Windows User" -OrgName "Contoso" -HomePage "http://contoso.com/" -AdminPassword "Password" -Verbose ############################################# # This will replace the standard customsettings.ini with the below # edit variables with your own values # $JoinDomain="Contoso.com" $DomainAdmin="Administrator" $DomainAdminDomain="CONTOSO" $DomainAdminPassword="Password" $CSFile = @" [Settings] Priority=TaskSequenceID, Model, Default Properties=MyCustomProperty, MaskedVariables [Default] _SMSTSOrgName=Contoso MaskedVariables=_SMSTSReserved2,OSDUserStateKeyPassword ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /lac /lae BitsPerPel=32 VRefresh=60 XResolution=1 YResolution=1 OSInstall=Y SkipRoles=YES SkipCapture=YES SkipTimeZone=YES SkipUserData=YES SkipBitLocker=YES SkipProductKey=YES SkipAdminPassword=YES #SkipAppsOnUpgrade=YES SkipComputerBackup=YES SkipDeploymentType=YES SkipLocaleSelection=YES JoinDomain=$JoinDomain DomainAdmin=$DomainAdmin DomainAdminDomain=$DomainAdminDomain DomainAdminPassword=$DomainAdminPassword MachineObjectOU=OU=Workstations,DC=contoso,DC=com UILanguage=en-US UserLocale=en-CA KeyboardLocale=en-US TimeZoneName=Mountain Standard Time #WsusServer=http://wsus.contoso.com:8530 WUMU_ExcludeKB001=982861 WUMU_ExcludeKB002=976002 WUMU_ExcludeKB003=2267621 WUMU_ExcludeKB004=2434419 WUMU_ExcludeKB005=2496898 WUMU_ExcludeKB006=2533552 WUMU_ExcludeKB007=2604521 WUMU_ExcludeKB008=2673774 WUMU_ExcludeKB009=2694771 WUMU_ExcludeKB010=2726535 WUMU_ExcludeKB011=2841134 #[Surface Pro 3] #XResolution=2160 #YResolution=1440 "@ # The closing part of the here-string needs to be the first characters on the line Remove-Item -Path "$FolderPath\Control\CustomSettings.ini" -Force New-Item -Path "$FolderPath\Control\CustomSettings.ini" -ItemType File -Value $CSFile ############################################## # replace the standard bootstrap.ini with our own # fill in the variables below with your chosen values # you can even use local user/passwords on this server $MDTServer="MDTServer" $OrgName="Contoso" $UserID="Administrator" $UserPassword="Password" $UserDomain="CONTOSO" $BSFile = @" [Settings] Priority=Default [Default] _SMSTSOrgName=$OrgName UserID=$UserID UserDomain=$UserDomain UserPassword=$UserPassword DeployRoot=$NetPath "@ # The closing part of the here-string needs to be the first characters on the line Remove-Item -Path "$FolderPath\Control\BootStrap.ini" -Force New-Item -Path "$FolderPath\Control\BootStrap.ini" -ItemType File -Value $BSFile ############################################## # make modifications to the Task Sequence # $FolderPath = "D:\DeploymentShare" $TSXMLFile = "$FolderPath\Control\$TSFolder1\ts.xml" # load the task sequence XML file [xml]$TSSettingsXML = Get-Content $TSXMLFile # replace select profile with Surface Pro 3 $TSSettingsXML.Sequence.Group.Step | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*Inject Driver*"} | ForEach-Object { $CurrentObject = $_ if ($CurrentObject.RunIn -like "WinPEandFullOS") { $CurrentObject.defaultVarList.variable | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "DriverSelectionProfile" } | ForEach-Object { $_."#text" = "Surface Pro 3" } } # replace Auto with all for drivers to use from the selected profile if ($CurrentObject.RunIn -like "WinPEandFullOS") { $CurrentObject.defaultVarList.variable | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "DriverInjectionMode" } | ForEach-Object { $_."#text" = "ALL" } } } $TSSettingsXML.Save($TSXMLFile) # add the Surface Pro 3 WMI query # $FolderPath = "D:\DeploymentShare" $TSXMLFile = "$FolderPath\Control\$TSFolder1\ts.xml" [xml]$TSSettingsXML = Get-Content $TSXMLFile $InjectDriversElement = $TSSettingsXML.Sequence.Group.Step | Where-Object {($_.Name -like "*Inject Driver*") -and ($_.runIn -like "WinPEandFullOS")} $ConditionElement = $InjectDriversElement.AppendChild($TSSettingsXML.CreateElement("condition")) $ExpressionElement = $ConditionElement.AppendChild($TSSettingsXML.CreateElement("expression")) $ExpressionElement.SetAttribute("type", "SMS_TaskSequence_WMIConditionExpression") $VariableNameElement = $ExpressionElement.AppendChild($TSSettingsXML.CreateElement("variable")) $VariableNameElement.SetAttribute("name", "Namespace") $VariableNameTextNode = $VariableNameElement.AppendChild($TSSettingsXML.CreateTextNode("root\cimv2")) $VariableQueryElement = $ExpressionElement.AppendChild($TSSettingsXML.CreateElement("variable")) $VariableQueryElement.SetAttribute("name", "Query") $VariableQueryTextNode = $VariableQueryElement.AppendChild($TSSettingsXML.CreateTextNode('SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model Like "%Surface Pro 3%"')) $TSSettingsXML.Save($TSXMLFile) ############################################## # Disable the X86 boot wim and change the Selection Profile for the X64 boot wim $XMLFile = "$FolderPath\Control\Settings.xml" [xml]$SettingsXML = Get-Content $XMLFile $SettingsXML.Settings."SupportX86" = "False" $SettingsXML.Settings."Boot.x64.SelectionProfile" = "WinPE x64" $SettingsXML.Save($XMLFile) #Update the Deployment Share to create the boot wims and iso files update-MDTDeploymentShare -path "DS001:" -Force -Verbose Start-Sleep -s 60 #Attach the boot wim images to WDS $WDSPath = 'D:\RemoteInstall' wdsutil /Verbose /Progress /Initialize-Server /RemInst:$WDSPath Start-Sleep -s 10 Write-Host "Attempting to start WDS..." -NoNewline wdsutil /Verbose /Start-Server Start-Sleep -s 10 Write-Host "setting PXE response policy..." -NoNewline # this sets WDS to reply to all computers that PXE boot wdsutil /Set-Server /AutoAddPolicy # if you don't want that behavior then Rem that line and unrem the next two lines, after adding the correct MAC address # $MacAddress="001122334455" # New-WdsClient -DeviceID $MacAddress -DeviceName "SurfacePro3" -BootImagePath "Boot\x64\Images\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim" # Start-Sleep -s 10 Write-Host "Importing Boot image..." -NoNewline Import-WdsBootImage -Path $FolderPath\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim -NewImageName "LiteTouchPE_x64" –SkipVerify # All done Write-Host "The installation and configuration is done. If you saw any WDS errors then please restart the server and verify that the WDS service is started." -nonewline -ForegroundColor Green Setup MDT 2013 Update 1 for Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Updated September 2015.ps1.txt
  5. Thank you, this works remarkably well. Not sure if you would know, but can you use MDT to deploy the Surface Pro 3 recovery image? https://www.microsoft.com/surface/en-ca/support/warranty-service-and-recovery/downloadablerecoveryimage
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